Hi Ignite team,

I'm evaluating Ignite as distributed cache + key value store for our

I have read most of the documentation but wanted to clarify some points:

1) Is Ignite production-ready for Windows Java 8 deployments? (Our client
has Windows cluster ready and devops team in place).
2) Our system consists of Spring Boot powered microservices which will use
Ignite as cache/storage. Is it possible to deploy Spring Boot apps as
Ignite services? Do you have any example for that?
3) What are the differences between free and commercial versions? Just
advanced monitoring/management tools or there are some volume/cpu-count/etc
limitations in free one?
4) Do you have some utility to play with adding/removing key-value pairs to
Ignite storage? Like you have sqlline.sh for SQL
5) igniterouter.sh - what it is used for? I didn't find any docs for this


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