
Please read about expiration here:


Expiry Policy specifies the amount of time that must pass before an entry is considered expired

 * In-Memory Mode (data is stored solely in RAM): expired entries are
   *purged *from RAM completely.

 * Memory + Ignite persistence: expired entries are *removed *from both
   memory and disk tiers. Note that expiry policies will remove entries
   from the partition files on disk without freeing up space. The space
   will be reused to write subsequent entries.

 * Memory + 3rd party persistence: expired entries are *removed *from
   the memory tier only (Ignite) and left untouched in the 3​rd party
   persistence (RDBMS, NoSQL, and other databases).

 * Memory + Swap: expired entries are *removed *from both RAM and swap

So it's expected that entry will be removed after expiration.

12/2/2019 7:39 AM, swattal пишет:
I have recently started using Ap=
ache Ignite for my application and had questions about where the data gets
stored in the cache. I have two nodes which act as Cached servers and
another node which acts as a client. I am using the Zookeeper discovery SPI
for discovery. While putting the data in the cache my server nodes gets the
events of entry creation but on expiration i would assume that both Key and
Value are present on my server side nodes CacheExpiredListener. The
expiration listener is invoked with the right key but with the value being
null. This makes me believe that the put call on the client just gets
limited to caching on the client side and doesn’t send entries to
  server cache nodes. Is there a config setting that i am missing?


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