I'd like to provide a small example for our purpose. The last post may be a bit confusing, so here's a very simple example in the attached pdf file. I hope, it's understandable. Otherwise, please give me a short feedback.

Basically, I only want each data node to join all it's local blocks. Is there a range mapping needed or is it possible to easily join all local blocks (regardless of its content) since everything is already "prepared"? Maybe you can clarify this for me.

As you can see in the example, the tables are not partitioned by ID. The files are manually prepared by the help of the modulo function. So I don't have a range like [0,10], but something like 0,5,10,15 etc.

I hope, I didn't make it too complicated and confusing. I think, the actual idea behind this is really simple and I hope you can help me to get this working.

Best regards and thank you very much for your time!

Am 18.03.2018 um 17:32 schrieb Philipp Krause:

Hi! At the moment the data to parquet (block) mapping is based on a simple modulo function: Id % #data_nodes. So with 5 data nodes all rows with Id's 0,5,10,... are written to Parquet_0, Id's 1,4,9 are written to Parquet_1 etc. That's what I did manually. Since the parquet file size and the block size are both set to 64MB, each parquet file will result in one block when I transfer the parquet files to HDFS. By default, HDFS distributes the blocks randomly. For test purposes I transferred corresponding blocks from Table_A and Table_B to the same data node (Table_A - Block_X with Id's 0,5,10 and Table_B - Block_Y with Id's 0,5,10). In this case, they are transferred to data_node_0 because the modulo function (which I want to implement in the scheduler) returns 0 for these Id's. This is also done manually at the moment.

1.) DistributedPlanner: For first, upcoming tests I simply changed the first condition in the DistributedPlanner to true to avoid exchange nodes.

2.) The scheduler: That's the part I'm currently struggling with. For first tests, block replication is deactivated. I'm not sure how / where to implement the modulo function for scan range to host mapping. Without the modulo function, I had to implement a hard coded mapping (something like "range" 0-0, 5-5, 10-10 -> Data_node_0 etc.). Is that correct? Instead I would like to use a slightly more flexible solution by the help of this modulo function for the host mapping.

I would be really grateful if you could give me a hint for the scheduling implementation. I try to go deeper through the code meanwhile.

Best regards and thank you in advance

Am 14.03.2018 um 08:06 schrieb Philipp Krause:
Thank you very much for these information! I'll try to implement these two steps and post some updates within the next days!

Best regards

2018-03-13 5:38 GMT+01:00 Alexander Behm <alex.b...@cloudera.com <mailto:alex.b...@cloudera.com>>:

    Cool that you working on a research project with Impala!

    Properly adding such a feature to Impala is a substantial effort,
    but hacking the code for an experiment or two seems doable.

    I think you will need to modify two things: (1) the planner to
    not add exchange nodes, and (2) the scheduler to assign the
    co-located scan ranges to the same host.

    Here are a few starting points in the code:

    1) DistributedPlanner

    The first condition handles the case where no exchange nodes need
    to be added because the join inputs are already suitably partitioned.
    You could hack the code to always go into that codepath, so no
    exchanges are added.

    2) The scheduler

    You'll need to dig through and understand that code so that you
    can make the necessary changes. Change the scan range to host
    mapping to your liking. The rest of the code should just work.



    On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 6:55 PM, Philipp Krause
    <mailto:philippkrause.m...@googlemail.com>> wrote:

        Thank you very much for your quick answers!
        The intention behind this is to improve the execution time
        and (primarily) to examine the impact of block-co-location
        (research project) for this particular query (simplified):

        select A.x, B.y, A.z from tableA as A inner join tableB as B
        on A.id=B.id

        The "real" query includes three joins and the data size is in
        pb-range. Therefore several nodes (5 in the test environment
        with less data) are used (without any load balancer).

        Could you give me some hints what code changes are required
        and which files are affected? I don't know how to give Impala
        the information that it should only join the local data
        blocks on each node and then pass it to the "final" node
        which receives all intermediate results. I hope you can help
        me to get this working. That would be awesome!

        Best regards

        Am 12.03.2018 um 18:38 schrieb Alexander Behm:
        I suppose one exception is if your data lives only on a
        single node. Then you can set num_nodes=1 and make sure to
        send the query request to the impalad running on the same
        data node as the target data. Then you should get a local join.

        On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 9:30 AM, Alexander Behm
        <alex.b...@cloudera.com <mailto:alex.b...@cloudera.com>> wrote:

            Such a specific block arrangement is very uncommon for
            typical Impala setups, so we don't attempt to recognize
            and optimize this narrow case. In particular, such an
            arrangement tends to be short lived if you have the HDFS
            balancer turned on.

            Without making code changes, there is no way today to
            remove the data exchanges and make sure that the
            scheduler assigns scan splits to nodes in the desired
            way (co-located, but with possible load imbalance).

            In what way is the current setup unacceptable to you? Is
            this pre-mature optimization? If you have certain
            performance expectations/requirements for specific
            queries we might be able to help you improve those. If
            you want to pursue this route, please help us by posting
            complete query profiles.


            On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 6:29 AM, Philipp Krause
            <mailto:philippkrause.m...@googlemail.com>> wrote:

                Hello everyone!

                In order to prevent network traffic, I'd like to
                perform local joins on each node instead of
                exchanging the data and perform a join over the
                complete data afterwards. My query is basically a
                join over three three tables on an ID attribute. The
                blocks are perfectly distributed, so that e.g. Table
                A - Block 0 and Table B - Block 0 are on the same
                node. These blocks contain all data rows with an ID
                range [0,1]. Table A - Block 1  and Table B - Block
                1 with an ID range [2,3] are on another node etc. So
                I want to perform a local join per node because any
                data exchange would be unneccessary (except for the
                last step when the final node recevieves all results
                of the other nodes). Is this possible?
                At the moment the query plan includes multiple data
                exchanges, although the blocks are already perfectly
                distributed (manually).
                I would be grateful for any help!

                Best regards
                Philipp Krause

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