
I am able to reproduce this exception at will, using jclouds 1.8.0.

The exception appears associated with deleting the very last server on the account, when it has a mixed-case name.

This was the ONLY server on my account. I could not get this to reproduce with any other servers running, or even in a creating/deleting/error state.

Here is the sequence:
 1. Create a server on Rackspace (via website) named "Cloud-Server-01".
- If it's relevant, the server was subsequently connected to my managed server network via RackConnect.
   - If it's relevant, I created from a saved image.
2. Shut down the server using the below code (the ipAddr string passed to the below code was "")
      nodes = computeService
          .destroyNodesMatching(new Predicate<NodeMetadata>() {
            public boolean apply(final NodeMetadata input) {
              return input.getPrivateAddresses().contains(ipAddr);

Result: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Object 'Cloud-Server' doesn't match dns naming constraints. Reason: Should be only lowercase.

Stack trace for the deletion-by-IP at:

Additionally I can reproduce the exception by destroying server by groupname using computeService.destroyNodesMatching(inGroup("Cloud-Server")). While there is clearly a mixed-case string involved with this test, by the time the code gets to the "cleanup" phase it's only passing around NodeMetaData and not the string.

Stack trace for the group deletion:


On 8/11/14, 10:29 PM, Zack Shoylev wrote:
Hi Daniel,

I am still working on reproducing this, but have not been able to yet.
My (generic) advice for now would be to update to the latest jclouds (1.8.0) 
and let us know if this happens again.
I will let you know if we make some progress reproducing this.
Also, if I remember correctly, the group is usually based on how the server is 


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