On 2018/03/24 19:40:39, Andrew Gaul <g...@apache.org> wrote: 
> jclouds-dev has a thread on requiring Java 8 and Guava 21+.  
> when not if.  Any comments on this proposed change?

I've been using Java 8 for 2 years now and I started late. I can't believe what 
I was missing out on - Java 8 is such an upgrade over 7 - way more than 7 was 
an upgrade over 6 or even 5 (imho). I know there are shops out there that have 
a lot of code running on 7, but upgrading is just not that hard. 99.99% of 7 
code runs on 8 just fine. It's usually just a couple of man-hours of effort to 
get a large legacy code base running on 8. 

Regarding Guava - I don't know what I'd have done with out google and apache 
libraries - probably spent a lot of time writing utility classes that didn't 
work half as well.

I'm sure I'm forgetting a few that have to use 7 for other reasons. I hope they 
can eventually move on.


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