A couple considerations:

* You don't have to manually render the script. You can directle pass the
'exec("foo")' to the submitScriptOnNode method and jclouds will take care
of rendering it properly depending on the type of the Template being
* Why don't you want to wrap it in the init script? If you wrap it (which
is done by default), you will see a directory created in /tmp containing
files with the stdout and the stderr for the script. You can tail them to
see the progress, or paste them here to diagnose what can be going on.
* By default jclouds waits until the script completes, so if the server is
started in the foreground by your script, it may not terminate, and the
returned future will wait forever. If this is the case, perhaps a better
approach would be to wrap your script in a nohup.



On Friday, 13 September 2013, Andrew Phillips wrote:

>  The script does not start. The script starts a server and exits, something
>> like java -jar somejar.jar
> Have you tried putting any "echo starting > /my/log/file" statements in
> the script, just to see if it even ever gets invoked?
> Regards
> ap

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