I would like to review it if you send me a copy

Thanks in advance!

Nic :)

On Tue, Oct 30, 2018, 4:50 PM Philippe Mouawad <pmoua...@apache.org wrote:

> Hello All,
> I am happy to announce that 3 committers of Apache JMeter (including me)
> have authored a new book on JMeter that you can buy online at:
>    - https://leanpub.com/master-jmeter-from-load-test-to-devops
> If you'd like to read more about its inception:
>    -
> https://www.ubik-ingenierie.com/blog/book-master-jmeter-from-load-testing-to-devops/
> We'll be grateful if you can spread this news around you.
> We will be very happy to offer it to any member of JMeter Team to thank
> them for their great works for years (if they think they can still learn
> something :-) of course ), just send us a mail.
> Thanks a lot
> Regards
> Antonio Gomes Rodrigues, Milamber and Philippe M.

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