
it depends of your etc/jre.properties configuration. If etc/jre.properties (for jre-1.6) contains javax.annotation, it means that the javax.annotation is provided by the JDK. If it's commented (as we have in ServiceMix), it means that javax.annotation is provided by an "external" bundle, such as Geronimo specs.

So do you use the JDK or the external bundle for javax.annotation ?


On 03/13/2011 01:18 AM, Dan Tran wrote:
Hi I have a very simple spring power bundle which uses @PostContruct
and @PreDestroy. The bundle is built with bundlor-maven-plugin.  It
works fine at initial try.

Then, I add java.annotation's version to the manifest (
bundlor-maven-plugin complains about the mising version). Deploy again
with geronimo-annotation's bundle. The PostContruct and PreDestroy
stops working.

Kara 2.2 does not complain about bundle, every thing looks good.

Is there a workaround?  This prevents me from deploying and use
activemq client ( which also uses geronimo-annotation )

This sounds likes a very fundamental problem, but I am not able to
find any existing similar issue yet

Big thanks ahead.


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