Hi Bengt,

What you can do is:

bin/karaf /tmp/my-rc

and my-rc can contain:


You will have my.property in the System properties and you will be able to use it in blueprint for instance.


On 06/09/2011 04:18 PM, Bengt Rodehav wrote:
I would like to add system properties to Karaf without having to
manually edit the file system.properties. The reason is that I want to
be able to use as much as possible of a vanilla Karaf. Is that possible?

I have seen that custom.properties can be used to override settings in
config.properties but I haven't seen any property that allows me to
specify a filename containing system properties. What I'm looking for is
something similar to the "${includes}" property in config.properties.
That property allows me to list several files that contain configuration
properties. It would be nice if config.properties contained a property -
say "system.properties" that would contain a list of files containing
system properties that would be added at boot time.


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