
Don't know if it's a known issue, the macro commands which defined in the 
etc/shell.init.script executed fail from ssh client of 2.2.9.

D:\downloads\apache-karaf-2.2.9\bin>client.bat -a 8101 -h localhost -u karaf -p 
karaf "osgi:list"
START LEVEL 100 , List Threshold: 50
   ID   State         Blueprint      Level  Name
D:\downloads\apache-karaf-2.2.9\bin>client.bat -a 8101 -h localhost -u karaf -p 
karaf "bundle:list"
Command not found: bundle:list

For 2.3.1, it works fine. Is there a patch or something can be applied to fix 
this problem on 2.2.9?


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