The @Transactional and @PersistenceContext annotations work exclusively in blueprint or eventually pax-cdi with deltaspike.

For declarative services there is no extension model to add new annotations. So we can not easily support annotations like above.
This is not a big issue though as we have alternative solutions in place.


For DS there is the JPATemplate from Aries JPA. It allows the same feature set as the annotations for blueprint but works using closures instead. I used this a bit myself and while I first was very pro annotation I changed my mind in the mean time. I think the closure based approach works as nice and is less complex. Btw. I am experimenting with an alternative approach using try with resources instead of closures. That would allow a similar style but be even less complex.

There is also an alternative from the OSGi specs. It is called tx-control and also hosted at Aries.
It is similar to JPATemplate but a little different in style. The code is written by Tim Ward and he also did a very good documentation for it.


On 10.03.2017 09:00, erwan wrote:
Sorry for the "timeout" before answering your comment but it took me some
time to have a look at all solutions that were proposed. What strikes me is
that, as you already stated, it is difficult to select a solution that is
simple, well documented and seen as a standard. It's a bit annoying as osgi
doesn't seem to be a young solution. By browsing the web, looking for
solutions, it seems to go in every directions.
To be more concrete, I tried to combine 2 solutions to my need : blueprint
and DS.
I'm not sure we can mix several solutions. I probably need to spend some
more time :)
First, I use blueprint solution to deploy a persistence bundle and Christian
tutorial site has been of a great help with that. Thanks to you.
Then I tried to add declarative service in the loop, using annotations as it
seemed practical to me.
For the moment, I'm not able to make this working so I hope you might take a
little bit more time to evangelize
Can I do this?
In the persistence bundle, after having installed hibernate feature:

@Component(immediate = true)
public class RepositoryImpl implements IRepository {

        private EntityManager manager;  

        public void setEntityManager(EntityManager manager) {
                this.manager = manager;

        private UniqueIdManagerItf uniqueIdManager;

        public void setUniqueIdManager(UniqueIdManagerItf uniqueIdManager) {
                this.uniqueIdManager = uniqueIdManager;

        public void removeAll() {
                ArrayList<String> uniqueIdList = new ArrayList<>();

                uniqueIdList = uniqueIdManager.getUniqueIdList();
                for (String id: uniqueIdList) {
                manager.createQuery("DELETE FROM MyEntity").executeUpdate();

with a pom like this:

a persistence.xml :
<persistence xmlns="";
xsi:schemaLocation=""; version="2.0">

   <persistence-unit name="db" transaction-type="JTA">
       <property name="hibernate.dialect"
       <property name="" value="create-drop"/>
       <property name="hibernate.archive.autodetection" value="class"/>



and what might be unnecessary :
<blueprint xmlns="";

In the consumer bundle (something like a REST api):

public class EndPoint {

        private IRepository repository;
        public void setRepository(IRepository repository) {
                this.repository = repository;

        public void  clearDB() {


With a third bundle API:
public interface IRepository {
        void removeAll();

in this example, I think i'm missing something that will instantiate the
IRepository although I thought it will be done by the declarative service. I
also think that I probably didn't understand well how it works internally.

On karaf side:
scr:details com.example.persistence.JPAResourceRepositoryImpl
Component Details
   Name                : com.example.persistence.JPAResourceRepositoryImpl
   State               : ACTIVE
   Reference           : UniqueIdManager
     State             : satisfied
     Multiple          : single
     Optional          : mandatory
     Policy            : static
     Service Reference : Bound Service ID 556

As you can understand, I really need more reading sessions of the chapter 5
inside OSGi Core document!

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Christian Schneider

Open Source Architect

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