I've emailed about this before but some time ago I mentioned that I didn't 
think that the PAX connection pools were initializing the underlying CP 
implementation (Hikari in my case) properly. In particular, connections are 
getting dropped after 30 mins (the Hikari default) even though connection 
maxLifetime is set to inifinite (0) and idleTimeout is set to 8 hrs.
Christian sent me a link to the PAX Hikari initialization code which certainly 
looked correct. This lead me to believe that the problem was not with PAX but 
the Hikari version that is bundled with it. While I'm not positive this is the 
case, I suspect it is.

Might it be possible for PAX to log the pool implementations configuration 
AFTER it creates the pool?  Also, will the version of Hikari be updated in the 
next release of Karaf?  The latest version appears to be 2.7.7.  I believe the 
version that comes with the most recent version of Karaf is still at 2.4.1.



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