>>>>> Scott Lewis <sle...@composent.com>:

> If you would like to expidite, please open an issue here [1] for the
> use of http-whiteboard in jersey and cxf distribution providers, and
> it could happen pretty quickly.


(but as I say below: the biggest hurdle for me is transitioning to karaf
4.2.x as I ran into some problems when I (inadvertently) tried it last

> BTW:  why do you require http-whiteboard for implementation?   I'm not
> arguing against using http-whiteboard, but I expect that using
> HttpService directly and http-whiteboard can co-exist in a single
> framework,  so why not consider both?

The ukelonn webapp[1] started out in July 2016 as a JSF/primefaces war
bundle, configured with web.xml[2].  In October 2016 I started running the
webapp on karaf (and using OSGi for webapps became a *lot* easier...).  

Then it was transformed into a vaadin application[3], still as a war
bundle with web.xml.  Then it was transformed into vaadin webapp in a
jar bundle with the servlets registering with the HttpService, then
finally turned into a vaadin webapp using http whiteboard (the current

I'm now in the process of transforming this into a reactjs webapp[4],
and am still using http whiteboard.  Registering with the HttpService is
of course possible, but feels like a step backwards. :-)

The biggest hurdle will be the transition to karaf 4.2.0, which I
eventually need to make, but right now it's more fun to work on the
reactjs part of things.  So it will happen sometime in the future.

[1] <https://github.com/steinarb/ukelonn>
[2] <https://github.com/steinarb/ukelonn/tree/using-primefaces>
[3] <https://github.com/steinarb/ukelonn/tree/using-vaadin>
[4] <https://github.com/steinarb/ukelonn/tree/using-react>

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