One (or three) of us! One of us!

Congrats to all,


On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 9:00 PM, Todd Lipcon <> wrote:

> Hi Kudu community,
> I'm pleased to announce that the Kudu PMC has voted to add Andrew Wong,
> Grant Henke, and Hao Hao as Kudu committers and PMC members. This
> announcement is a bit delayed, but I figured it's better late than never!
> Andrew has contributed to Kudu in a bunch of areas. Most notably, he
> authored a bunch of optimizations for predicate evaluation on the read
> path, and recently has led the effort to introduce better tolerance of disk
> failures within the tablet server. In addition to code, Andrew has been a
> big help with questions on the user mailing list, Slack, and elsewhere.
> Grant's contributions have spanned several areas. Notably, he made a bunch
> of improvements to our Java and Scala builds -- an area where others might
> be shy. He also implemented checksum verification for data blocks and has
> begun working on a design for DECIMAL, one of the most highly-requested
> features.
> Hao has also been contributing to Kudu for quite some time. Her notable
> contributions include improved fault tolerance for the Java client, fixes
> and optimizations on the Spark integration, and some important refactorings
> and performance optimizations in the block layer. Hao has also represented
> the community by giving talks about Kudu at a conference in China.
> Please join me in congratulating the new committers and PMC members!
> -Todd

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