Hi Juan Pablo,

The error basically means that the client didn't hear from the server after
sending the data, even after retrying a few times, and reached the default
10 seconds timeout. Can you run your insert again and then capture the
output of this command?

curl -s | gzip - > metrics.gz

Then post that file somewhere we can download. I you have more than one
tablet server, it might be a different node, basically I want the one that
ends up listed in this exception on the right:

Caused by: org.kududb.client.ConnectionResetException: [Peer
f7e2936b040d4c58b52d90ae50ad6d5a] Connection reset on [id: 0x323019c2, / :> /]

Also, can we see the logs from that node around 10AM on 16/04/26?

Finally, I'm surprised you're even able to create your table if you only
have one tablet server and a replication of 2 (unless you meant to say that
your master node has both a master and a tablet server).


On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 7:06 AM, Juan Pablo Briganti <
juan.briga...@globant.com> wrote:

> Hi!!
>   We are facing some errors trying to insert multiple records into the
> database through the Java API.
>   We have a simple cluster composed of 1 master node and 1 slave node. 1
> table with 1 bigint primary key and 1 string. The String length is more or
> less 30 characters. The table has a replication of 2.
>   We are using 0.8 on both the cluster and java API and performing Manual
> Flush mode with a maximum of 10.000 rows per flush (it is only a maximum,
> not all flush operations insert the same amount of data).
>   After 2 or 3 successful flushes (more or less 6000 records) we are
> receiving the error attached to this email.
>   We started receiving this error a few weeks ago, when we were using the
> 0.7.1 version.
>   Did this happen to other people? any ideas on what can be wrong? Any
> help would be appreciated.
>   If you need more info let me know.
> Thanks, Juan Pablo.
> --
> *Juan Pablo Briganti* | Data Architect
> *GLOBANT* | AR: +54 11 4109 1700 ext. 19508 | US: +1 877 215 5230 ext.
> 19508 |
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