
I added two more examples to Neoclipse. They show how directed acyclic graphs are easy to model with Neo4j.

This article:
show how such graphs can be handled in SQL databases. While this is a very bad fit for SQL, the proposed solution is more of a workaround, with bad data insert performance (while doing recursive searches) and high demands on disk space (every transitional path is stored separately).

With Neo4j there is no such performance hit on insertion, and to traverse the graph is trivial. Nothing new there, but nice to see how easy things get when you can work with the graphs directly. My example code is in the repos, you can take a look at it and critizise it! :-)

BTW, four students are working on visualizing blogosphere graphs using MS Silverlight:
It's based on Silverlights Deep Zoom feature.

In a few weeks we will be able to see their take on visualizing a blogosphere graph.


<<inline: animals-example.png>>

<<inline: roles-example.png>>

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