Peter Neubauer skrev:
> Now, are these images available on the wiki so one can link to them?

Not yet ... I plan make a better version of the wiki page soon, before 
the next release.

> I am thinking of Andreas' Neo4j.rb for that, so that
> you could run a script and directly see the outcome in Neoclipse,
> maybe even with Undo support via transactions? That way you could
> easily "massage" the nodespace.

Regarding transactions I think it would be two buttons: "commit" and 
"rollback". Just need to change the transaction handling in Neoclipse 
totally ... shouldn't be such a big deal. :-)

For scripting, I'm still not clear as to what exists and works in an 
Eclipse plugin/RCP-app. Seem to exist some more or less abandoned 
projects in this area. One specific point is how to expose the neo 
instance, as it has to be "reused" in the script somehow. And the new 
transaction idea has to be exposed as well, i guess.


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