On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 6:15 AM, doug <d...@frogsong.net> wrote:

>   Are there any tools or has anyone used any visualization engines with
>   Neo4j?  Something like Jung ([1]http://jung.sourceforge.net/) or Giny
>   ([2]http://csbi.sourceforge.net/)?

That looks like good stuff, I also found
http://networkviz.sourceforge.net/that lists a few different graph
visualization libraries for Java. It would
be interesting to see if we could use any of these libraries for
visualization of a Neo4j graph.

>   and from looking at the cached page of this site
>   [4]https://projects.thobe.org/neo4j.py/wiki/NeoGraphviz (the actual
>   site seems to be down)

Oh, sorry for that. That server had some memory configuration issues. That
should be solved now, so now it's just slow, not down...
Although that page isn't very interesting...

> i think it creates a file that can be used on
>   Graphviz, rather than actually visualizing the graph itself.

That is a correct observation.

>  It doesn't seem like any of the components are visualization components,
>   but i might be wrong;

No, it doesn't do any direct visualization, but I've been thinking of
extending it into that direction. But since Neoclipse came along the rest of
the team found that project to be a higher priority. And so I haven't
continued working on other visualization tools.

Tobias Ivarsson <tobias.ivars...@neotechnology.com>
Hacker, Neo Technology
Cellphone: +46 706 534857
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