Are you doing multi threaded access to the batch inserter API?!

In that case you are on uncertain waters. The batch insertion mode is for
bulk loading of initial data, not something you use in the actual running
application. There really isn't much to gain from feeding the batch inserter
from multiple threads, it's better to have multiple threads doing
computation, if you need to do that in your batch processing, and then have
one writer thread reading from a queue and feeding the batch inserter.

I can see why the problem occurs. Since the batch insertion API is intended
for single threaded use it uses the unsynchronized implementation of
ArrayMap for speed. When your application is accessing it through multiple
threads there is a chance that you access it in an inconsistent state, and
therefore end up with the exception you reported.

Still, it is at least not a very descriptive exception, and we might
consider doing something to improve this. So thank you for reporting the


On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 8:59 PM, Neil Ellis <>wrote:

> That NPE is probably due to multi-threaded access btw. so maybe not a
> priority to fix ;-)
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