Hi Ajay,

On 19 Jun 2009, at 18:33, Ajay Sharma wrote:
> i'v been trying to use martin's Scala implementation but as am a total
> newbie to java and its assciated tool ,could anyone just help me out  
> with
> the configuration of scalatest. till now i have been able to install  
> and configure JUNIT and scala.

Assuming that you are working through the README file ("Building this  
template" at http://github.com/ept/neo4j-scala-template/tree/master )  
I guess you might be stuck at the git clone? Sorry for not making it  
explicit, it assumes that you have the git version control system 
 > installed; if so, you should be able to type those commands at the  
command line (without the dollar sign, that's just the Unix prompt).

You can also get away without git (but not without maven), and  
download each of the prerequisites as a zip file:

> and martin could you please explain how to get this thing to work ,i  
> want to
> implement this implementation adn access the Restful service  
> through .NET.
> since java is not my field of expertise am finding it difficult to  
> get all
> the blocks in place.

In general I'm afraid that if you're unfamiliar with Java and command- 
line tools, you may find Scala a bit on the tough side. In principle  
there is an Eclipse plugin <http://www.scala-lang.org/node/94> which  
aims to give you a Visual Studio-like experience, but it's still very  
buggy. The best way to develop Scala is still via the command-line  

Also, I have not tested any of this on Windows -- most developers I  
know work on Mac or Linux. It ought to work, but I cannot promise  

However, Scala is a beautiful language so if you can crack it, it's  
worth the effort :)


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