
>    be something I'm not understanding, or it may be that I did not unzip
>    the source files into the correct directories.

Shouldn't really matter, as mvn install will make the stuff available to 
any other Maven project on your computer.

>    I have a main directory (neo-scala-stuff : - ) and then i have
>    teigen-scalatest-junit4runner, ept-neo4j-resources, and
>    ept-neo4j-scala-template as directories under that.  Is that a
>    reasonable structure?

Seems very reasonable to me :-)

>    [INFO] Surefire report directory:
>    C:\apps\neo-scala-stuff\ept-neo4j-resources\target\surefire-reports
>    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: and

Not sure about this as I couldn't reproduce it (and I'm on a Linux box 
at the moment, where it just works). One thing to try is running mvn 
with the -e switch to get more information about the error. As it seems 
to happen when the test report should get produced, maybe you could try 
turning testing off by adding -DskipTests to the command line statement 
(this is more of a guess).


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