
We just uploaded the Neo4j 1.0-b11 release. This is the last beta
before we release 1.0 so it would be great if you all could spend a
few cycles on downloading and testing it out.

It's available here:

For maven users, the group / artifact id / version is:

   org.neo4j / neo / 1.0-b11

Now that we're ramping up for 1.0, the focus of this beta is stability
and robustness. We're trying to push any "adventurous" new features to
after 1.0. Other than bug fixes, this release includes:

   o A BatchInserter with a NeoService API. This should make it less
intrusive (i.e. require less code rewrite and code duplication) to
inject data in batch insert mode.
   o A cleaned up shell dependency chain.
   o A few tweaks to the concurrency characteristics of the internal
array maps for higher performance.

The change log is here:

We've also released new versions of the core components 'index-util'
and 'shell.' Index-util has seen quite a lot of cleanup (e.g.
deprecated old indexes) and documentation.

All of this is bundled up in the APOC release as usual, which includes
neo4j core, index-util, shell and remote-neo. Please download APOC
from the front page or directly from:

If you use maven, you can depend on the following group id / artifact
id / version / type:

   org.neo4j / apoc / 0.4 / pom

That dependency will give you versions of neo4j core, index-util,
shell and remote-neo that are known to work together.

Please let us know of any problems you guys experience with this beta
so we can make a great 1.0 release.


Emil Eifrém, CEO []
Neo Technology,
Cell: +46 733 462 271 | US: 206 403 8808
Neo mailing list

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