HI there.

Loving Neo4j, but been putting off using because was no * straightforward*
way to use from PHP. I even started writing my own RESTful API, but never
found the time to finish it off! However, I am excited that there is now a
(semi?) official one in the works, even if it is early days.

I have started a PHP library for accessing neo4j via the REST API... I will
share when its ready.

I can see how most of the functionality works from the Java functional tests
and the application.wadl index. However, there is no mention of any way to
access neo4j's traversal features.

I was wondering how this is planned to work?

In my API I had something like:


Which would traverse from node 1 along relationship type 'KNOWS' etc...
However, it started to get complex very quickly as you need separate return
and stop evaluators.

I suppose, the most beautiful method would to to traverse via Gremlin:

/node/1/outE/i...@age>27] (obviously URI encoded)

That would be dead sexy. However, I know the gremlin guys seem a little
reluctant to offer a RESTful API (they seem to be stuck in their Java

Whats the plan?


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