Thanks for the responses.
The team is going through Tobias recommendation. I want to share what
motivated us to leave traditional databases and think outside the box.
A previous attempt to implement in Relational database ended in implementing
a subset of the full business requirement. Many queries required joining 5-7
entities and filtering on dates. The queries were written using dynamic SQL
inside stored procedures. As data volume grew, real time queries in the
midst of online transactions responded slower and slower and reached a point
where users simply refused to use the application. Then many time variant
features were removed.
The listed advantages of graphical databases(high volume scaling, no-dba,
no-sql tuning, sub-second  response time) has motivated us to give it a try.

On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 1:57 PM, Michael Ludwig <> wrote:

> suryadev vasudev schrieb am 06.04.2010 um 23:26:35 (-0700)
> [[Neo] Date effectiveness (Time Variance) implementation in Neo4J]:
> > We are exploring Neo4J for a resource management application.
>   [ straightforward requirements list without
>    any discernible graph specifica snipped ]
> > In Neo4J, we created Library, Book-Club, Publisher, Student and Books.
> > We are finding it difficult to implement the time variance.
> Oh, that ...
> > The business requirements are:-
> > 1. The book publisher can lease books till his end registering date
> > 2. Publisher can specify lease start date and end date for each book
> > 3. Do not lend beyond end leasing date
> > 4. Do not lend beyond end membership date
> > 5. Query Student-book relationships (What books were borrowed/
> > reserved, who was the publisher, what was the book club) for a given
> > date range
> >
> > How do we model the date in Neo4J?
> Heretical counter-question:
> Why model the date in Neo4J if any SQL database provides full-spectrum
> date-time functionality?
> --
> Michael Ludwig
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