Since the traversal framework is still a work in progress we are still
tinkering with the API around SourceSelectors and RelationshipExpander.
Mattias Persson and myself are working on creating examples and
documentation as well.

The purpose of the SourceSelector is mainly to determine the order in which
the relationships are traversed. For pre-filtering the relationships to
traverse I would recommend implementing your own RelatiionshipExpander. This
is one of the most simple parts of the traversal framework API, and also a
very useful component, it should be pretty straight forward. Let me know if
you have any problems with that.

Also: input and ideas on the structure and API of the traversal framework
would be interesting and welcome.


On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 6:43 PM, Georg M. Sorst <> wrote:

> Hey there,
> once again, a relatively new part of Neo's code seems to come along right
> when I need it :) Thanks, guys.
> I've recently been trying to do some traversal that sort of can be
> described with transitions ie. if the last relationship was of type A and
> direction INCOMING, the next direction to go might be type A INCOMING or
> type B INCOMING; if it was type B INCOMING the next relationship to traverse
> may only be type C OUTGOING, that kind of stuff.
> Now to do this I guess I need all the valid relationships in the traversal
> description, otherwise they wouldn't be traversed at all. Of course checking
> if the last transition was valid can be done in the PruneEvaluator and the
> ReturnableFilter but that's ugly and inefficient as I can only figure out
> invalid transitions after they've already been traversed. A much cleaner way
> would be to not traverse the invalid relationships at all.
> From what I've read from the documentation and code I feel this can be done
> with SourceSelector / ExpansionSource etc. but for the life of me I cannot
> figure out how. Unfortunately I also couldn't find any nice examples so I'm
> a bit lost here. I would greatly appreciate any pointers on how to do this
> with a SourceSelector or whatever is the right weapon of choice for this
> problem.
> Thanks and best regards,
> Georg
> On 30.03.2010 15:48, Tobias Ivarsson wrote:
>> It seems a lot of projects have outgrown the current Traverser framework.
>> People want to be able to do things such as visiting all relationships
>> once
>> instead of all nodes once (the current framework only visit each node once
>> and leave out other relationships that go there). There has also been
>> requests for a way to select the next relationship to traverse using a
>> callback interface, instead of only having DEPTH_FIRST and BREADTH_FIRST
>> to
>> choose from.
>> To address these requests we have started a project to implement a new
>> traversal framework. The early prototype for this is available in my
>> laboratory directory in the repository:
>> The state of the prototype is very early, it supports the same features as
>> the current Traverser framework plus being able to limit the traversal by
>> relationships instead of nodes or based on the path to each position. This
>> is already quite interesting. The part about having a callback for
>> selecting
>> the next relationship is a later feature, one that will probably change
>> the
>> API of the prototype a lot. For comparison the tests contain an
>> implementation of the old Traverser framework on top of the new Traversal
>> framework. The limited number of tests we've written indicate the
>> performance of the old framework is still slightly better than the new
>> framework, but analysis of the operations the different implementations
>> make
>> on the graph gives me high hopes that the new framework will probably beat
>> the old one after we've worked on it some more. Even with the slightly
>> lower
>> performance the versatility of the new framework is substantially greater.
>> The prototype implements a TraversalDescription class that is used to
>> construct the traversal, these objects are immutable and implement a
>> builder
>> pattern making it possible to create base TraversalDescription instances
>> that can then be reused multiple times or adapted slightly before they are
>> used. This leads to shorter, more readable code than the current
>> traverse(...)-methods on the Node interface. This is also the part of the
>> prototype that is most likely to change, both to accomodate for the
>> features
>> that are to be added, and being revised to make it easier to work with.
>> Most of the new traversal framework will live in a new
>> package: org.neo4j.graphdb.traversal, but there will be a few new things
>> introduced in org.neo4j.graphdb as well. The new traversal framework will
>> live side by side with the current traversal framework for a while, to
>> ease
>> the transition. The old traversal framework will be deprecated and then
>> removed in some future version.
>> The additions we have made in the prototype are:
>> * A path representation. Defined as the interface org.neo4j.graphdb.Path.
>> A
>> Path object represents a path of interlinking relationships. The shortest
>> possible path is the path with no relationships, a single node.
>> * A concept of Uniqueness. This defines how often a node or relationship
>> can
>> be (re)visited. The current traversal framework implements what we have
>> called "node global uniqueness" in the new framework. This enforces the
>> restriction that a node cannot be visited more than once. Other uniqueness
>> kinds we introduce in the new framework are:
>>   * Relationship global uniqueness - similar to node global uniqueness
>>   * Node/Relationship path uniqueness - each node (or relationship) may
>> occur only once in the path (yes, using the Path interface from above)
>> traversed to get there.
>>   * Node/Relationship recent uniqueness - a node (or relationship) may not
>> be revisited if it is among the set of recently visited ones (the size of
>> this set is configurable). This is similar to global uniqueness, but with
>> a
>> constraint on the amount of memory the traversal is allowed to use.
>>   * No uniqueness. The name says it all, all nodes and relationships are
>> visited, without restriction.
>> * PruneEvaluator - has the same role as the previous StopEvaluator, but
>> with
>> a more descriptive name.
>> * RelationshipExpander - this is "what traversers are made of", given a
>> node, a RelationshipExpander is responsible for getting the relationships
>> from it that are relevant to the traversal. This is a utility that is used
>> a
>> lot in the new traversal framework, and that might also be useful on its
>> own.
>> The concepts we are planning to add, but have not completed the design for
>> yet are:
>> * A way to select/order relationships. This is an extension of DEPTH_FIRST
>> and BREADTH_FIRST, where the user can define which relationships to
>> traverse, and in what order to traverse them.
>> * Relationship patterns, a way to tell the traversal to expand one
>> relationship type first, and then another type, and so on.
>> Try it out and give us feedback, we will keep working on the
>> implementation,
>> and hope to push this into the trunk of kernel as soon as possible.
> --
> Georg M. Sorst
> Dipl. Inf. (FH)
> Ignaz-Harrer-Str. 13 / Top 19
> 5020 Salzburg
> Österreich
> Tel: +43 (0)650 / 53 47 200

Tobias Ivarsson <>
Hacker, Neo Technology
Cellphone: +46 706 534857
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