As one of the legacy users of the in-graph Timeline index, I have concern over 
the future of this "component".
Right now the in-graph Timeline index is part of the component neo4j-index, 
which also contains the legacy Lucene index.
This component has a dependency on Lucene 3.0.1, while Neo4J 1.4 depends on 
Lucene 3.10.
Of course it makes no sense to keep upgrading legacy code to newer versions of 
As a result of that, applications depending on the in-graph Timeline are stuck 
with Neo4J 1.3, without there actually being a good reason for that.
Last week I already wrote a message about this issue but did so over the 
weekend, triggering little response. (see:
In a message early May, I suggested the creation of a component 
Neo4J-collections, where all sorts of in-graph data structures can be grouped 
together. (see:
I hope my suggestion will somehow lead to a solution where the in-graph 
Timeline index can become part of the standard Neo4J infrastructure.
Kind regards,
Niels Hoogeveen                                           
Neo4j mailing list

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