Hi Alican,

> But I am still a bit concerned about the 128GB RAM..

You can run it on less of course. You could run it on your laptop and it would 
still work.

However Neo4j is clever in its use of RAM. The more RAM you can allocate to 
Neo4j, the more chance that database reads can come straight from memory rather 
than spending potentially milliseconds going to mechanical disk, yielding 
thousands of traversals per second rather than millions.

So more RAM = less disk hits (statistically) which is where you'll get huge 
read performance benefits. Less RAM means more likelihood of going to disk.

All things being equal, with 128GB RAM you can cache a lot of your dataset in 
main memory. Perhaps even all your *active* dataset in fact (since it's about a 
quarter the size of your full dataset). That's going to give you blistering 

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