Thanks for all the replies. To explain what I am doing: I'm harvesting
information from the software engineering tool some guys here are using:
Excel (gawk!). Excel sheets are parsed and converted to graphs,
incrementally enriched with properties as I digest subsequent sheets so that
at the end I get a database of everything which I intend to use for export
into something useful like Enterprise Architect from Sparx.

The queries I write should do some kind of QA, showing inconsistencies
introduced by typos in the sheets or incorrect parsing of free text in the
cells. The model excerpt we are looking at is

There are some phenomena I do not understand regarding the query syntax and
the resulting nodes:

- Query 6 lists all mockups with no relations: 27 items, fine
- Query 7 lists all mockups linked to a scenario but not linked to any
subprocess: 53
- Query 8 lists all mockups linked to a subprocess but not linked to any
scenario: 53. Exactly the same ones
- Query 9 lists all mockups linked to both at least one subprocess and
scenario: 53. Again, exactly the same ones

Query 10 and 11 are the same as 9 and 10, but written according to the hints
from the forum. 
- Query 10 returns no nodes, which I believe is correct, at least according
to an overview supplied with the Excel sheet and a few random samples
- Query 11 returns a node with _id and mockupName being <null> - huh? I'm
using a quickly hacked POJO mapping layer. jo4neo only works up to neo 1.4
so I came up with my own which does the absolute minimum I needed for the
job, but as _id is the primary key, I'm pretty sure I don't store such
nodes. A bug is always possible, but 
- Query 19 lists all mockup nodes and there is no one with <null> in both

The math: there are 27 unlinked nodes, queries 7, 8, and 9 retrieve the very
same 53 nodes which I believe to be linked to both scenarios and
subprocesses so either the query or the result must be wrong and query 19
delivers a total of 80 nodes. 27 + 53 = 80.

As I already said I'm not familiar with neo and cypher yet, but I do not see
the semantic difference between queries 7 and 8 vs. 10 and 11, yet the
results differ significantly, and this even between 10 and 11.

As an overview, here are the queries and the (shortened) output:

6: Unused mockups
START mock=node:nodeIndex(_simpleType = 'Mockup') MATCH
()-[r?:HAS_MOCKUP]->mock WHERE r IS NULL RETURN distinct mock._id,
mock.mockupName ORDER BY mock.mockupName
| mock._id                             | mock.mockupName |
| e80cdb81-9283-3279-9ec4-1c27ace2a3fd | K01-05          |
| 5095c15a-3230-3b5a-aa03-acd45057470b | K01-07-0        |
| 6ba433d8-5989-399a-b463-8a088eafe756 | P2-P04-8-2      |
| b3209a20-2081-3444-9047-4615bc6b95b3 | RAO-4-2         |
27 rows, 37 ms

7: Mockup linked to scenario not used by any subprocess
START scenario=node:nodeIndex(_simpleType = 'Scenario'),
sub=node:nodeIndex(_simpleType = 'Subprocess') MATCH
scenario-[:HAS_MOCKUP]->mock<-[r?:HAS_MOCKUP]-sub WHERE r IS NULL RETURN
distinct mock._id, mock.mockupName ORDER BY mock.mockupName
| mock._id                             | mock.mockupName |
| 81a05542-99b2-3672-8498-a31770562416 | K00-1-1         |
| 7bc08fcc-6380-3ba3-810c-b61d85e9d5d4 | K00-2-2         |
| 0adf74e4-b28f-3301-b903-c65697129c24 | P2-P05-2-1      |
| 4db08241-c9d7-3ac4-a453-6e8b5957efdb | P2-P05-2-2      |
53 rows, 739 ms

8: Mockup linked to subprocess not used by any scenario
START scenario=node:nodeIndex(_simpleType = 'Scenario'),
sub=node:nodeIndex(_simpleType = 'Subprocess') MATCH
sub-[:HAS_MOCKUP]->mock<-[r?:HAS_MOCKUP]-scenario WHERE r IS NULL RETURN
distinct mock._id, mock.mockupName ORDER BY mock.mockupName
| mock._id                             | mock.mockupName |
| 81a05542-99b2-3672-8498-a31770562416 | K00-1-1         |
| 7bc08fcc-6380-3ba3-810c-b61d85e9d5d4 | K00-2-2         |
| 0adf74e4-b28f-3301-b903-c65697129c24 | P2-P05-2-1      |
| 4db08241-c9d7-3ac4-a453-6e8b5957efdb | P2-P05-2-2      |
53 rows, 987 ms

9: Test: Mockups linked to both scenario and subprocess
START scenario=node:nodeIndex(_simpleType = 'Scenario'),
sub=node:nodeIndex(_simpleType = 'Subprocess') MATCH
sub-[:HAS_MOCKUP]->mock<-[:HAS_MOCKUP]-scenario RETURN distinct mock._id,
mock.mockupName ORDER BY mock.mockupName
| mock._id                             | mock.mockupName |
| 81a05542-99b2-3672-8498-a31770562416 | K00-1-1         |
| 7bc08fcc-6380-3ba3-810c-b61d85e9d5d4 | K00-2-2         |
| 0adf74e4-b28f-3301-b903-c65697129c24 | P2-P05-2-1      |
| 4db08241-c9d7-3ac4-a453-6e8b5957efdb | P2-P05-2-2      |
53 rows, 430 ms

10: Test: Mockup linked to scenario not used by any subprocess
START scenario=node:nodeIndex(_simpleType = 'Scenario'),
sub=node:nodeIndex(_simpleType = 'Subprocess') MATCH
scenario-[:HAS_MOCKUP]->mock, subprocess-[r?:HAS_MOCKUP]->mock WHERE r IS
NULL RETURN distinct mock._id, mock.mockupName ORDER BY mock.mockupName
| mock._id | mock.mockupName |
0 rows, 1997 ms

11: Test: Mockup linked to subprocess not used by any scenario
START scenario=node:nodeIndex(_simpleType = 'Scenario'),
sub=node:nodeIndex(_simpleType = 'Subprocess') MATCH
scenario-[r?:HAS_MOCKUP]->mock, subprocess-[:HAS_MOCKUP]->mock WHERE r IS
NULL RETURN distinct mock._id, mock.mockupName ORDER BY mock.mockupName
| mock._id | mock.mockupName |
| <null>   | <null>          |
1 rows, 1750 ms

19: All Mockups
START mock=node:nodeIndex(_simpleType = 'Mockup') RETURN mock.mockupName
ORDER BY mock.mockupName
| mock.mockupName |
| K00-1-1         |
| K00-2-2         |
| P2-P05-2-2      |
| RAO-4-2         |
80 rows, 3 ms

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