> Cypher:
> START n=node:words(w_id = "137") MATCH n-[:CO_S]->m, n-[:CO_S]-> t,
> m-[r:CO_S]-> t return m.w_id, t.w_id, r.sig, r.freq
> The results are the same, but the Cypher Query is about 10 times slower
> than the SQL pendant. I currently do not use any additional indices.
> Just  a map ("words") between my word ID and the neo4j node id.

Doing index lookups is much slower than node lookups.

In the application I'm developing, we've removed most index lookups
and replaced them with node lookups. We keep a keyword to nodeId
mapping in a key/value store and lookup the nodeId before running any
Cypher queries.

In your case:

START n=node(1) MATCH n-[:CO_S]->m, n-[:CO_S]-> t,
m-[r:CO_S]-> t return m.w_id, t.w_id, r.sig, r.freq

(where 1 is the corresponding nodeId to w_id = "137")

If I understood your email correctly, you already have that map available
to you ("137" -> 1). I'd use that to see if it's any quicker.

Your mileage may vary, of course. In our application the speed improvements
were roughly 10x. See my post on the mailing list with subject:

Comparing Lucene index lookup performance to lookup by node id

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