I created the JIRA for you (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LIVY-437,
but what exactly stopped you from creating a JIRA? We don't want this to be
an problem in the future for other users trying to report issues.

 Alex Bozarth                                                                   
 Software Engineer                                                              
 Spark Technology Center                                                        
 E-mail: ajboz...@us.ibm.com                                                    
 GitHub: github.com/ajbozarth                                                   
                                                                   505 Howard 
                                                             San Francisco, CA 

From:   Junaid Nasir <jna...@an10.io>
To:     user@livy.incubator.apache.org
Date:   01/30/2018 03:44 AM
Subject:        Re: Session taking all the available resources even with number
            of cores specified

 Hello everyone,                                                            
 I don't have access to create a JIRA issue on livy project. can someone    
 please create a ticket around this?                                        
 Issue: Livy doesn't support "total-executor-cores" settings for spark      
 standalone cluster                                                         
 This will enable livy to run multiple spark executors on standalone        

On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 12:22 PM, Junaid Nasir jna...@an10.io wrote:
 Hi Alex,                                                                   
 Thank you for taking your time to investigate this. Will create a jira     
 ticket and try to help with PR.                                            

  On Sat, Jan 13, 2018 1:49 AM, Alex Bozarth ajboz...@us.ibm.com wrote:
   Hey Junaid,

   I did some digging in both Livy and Spark code and you are correct about
   the issue being with total-executor-nodes. There is no such conf as
   "spark.total.executor.nodes" in Spark as it only exists as a param to
   spark-submit (which Spark then maps to the conf "spark.cores.max"). Also
   currently Livy does not support that param when constructing it's
   spark-submit, which would be useful and I would recommend opening a JIRA
   to address it.

   I can also point out a few issues with you POST for future reference
   while I'm at it:
   - The three "livy.spark.*" confs in your POST don't exist and would not
   be used, also the value of "executorCores" is mapped to the conf
   "spark.executor.cores" making it redundant
   - Similarly "numExecutors" and "driverCores" map to
   "spark.executor.instances" and "spark.driver.cores" respectively, which
   I believe you tried setting with "livy.spark.*" formatted confs

   So in summary you should open up a JIRA for Livy to support the
   "total-executor-nodes" param for spark-submit and for now you can see if
   setting "spark.cores.max" in the conf works as a work-around (though I'm
   not hopeful)

 Alex Bozarth                                                                   
 Software Engineer                                                              
 Spark Technology Center                                                        

 E-mail: ajboz...@us.ibm.com                                                    
 GitHub: github.com/ajbozarth                                                   
                                                                  505 Howard 
                                                            San Francisco, CA 

   Inactive hide details for Junaid Nasir ---01/11/2018 09:54:57 PM---Hi
   Alex,It is working correctly when i create spark session Junaid Nasir
   ---01/11/2018 09:54:57 PM---Hi Alex,It is working correctly when i
   create spark session using bin/pyspark. I can create multiple

   From: Junaid Nasir <jna...@an10.io>
   To: user@livy.incubator.apache.org
   Date: 01/11/2018 09:54 PM
   Subject: Re: Session taking all the available resources even with number
   of cores specified

 Hi Alex,                                                                   
 It is working correctly when i create spark session using bin/pyspark. I   
 can create multiple sessions as well. command which enable this is         
 "--total-executor-cores 4". I think livy is not passing it to Spark?       
 We are using DCOS and livy doesn't work with spark mesos deployment, so    
 had to setup standalone spark cluster.                                     

   On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 2:57 AM, Alex Bozarth ajboz...@us.ibm.com wrote:
         Hi Junaid,

         From my experience this is an issue with the Spark stand-alone
         cluster, which is why Livy is recommended to run with YARN
         instead, which should allocate resources properly. @Jerry, you
         have seen more production uses of LIvy than me, am I correct that
         Livy with a stand-alone Spark cluster can't handle multiple
 Alex Bozarth                                                                   
 Software Engineer                                                              
 Spark Technology Center                                                        

 E-mail: ajboz...@us.ibm.com                                                    
 GitHub: github.com/ajbozarth                                                   
                                                                  505 Howard 
                                                            San Francisco, CA 

         Inactive hide details for Junaid Nasir ---01/11/2018 02:22:55
         AM---Hi everyone, I am using livy 0.4 with Spark 2.1.0 standalone
         Junaid Nasir ---01/11/2018 02:22:55 AM---Hi everyone, I am using
         livy 0.4 with Spark 2.1.0 standalone cluster.I can create sessions

         From: Junaid Nasir <jna...@an10.io>
         To: user@livy.incubator.apache.org
         Date: 01/11/2018 02:22 AM
         Subject: Session taking all the available resources even with
         number of cores specified
 Hi everyone,                                                               
 I am using livy 0.4 with Spark 2.1.0 standalone cluster.                   
 I can create sessions and run jobs. but 1 session takes up all the         
 available resources. I have tried setting up executorCores, numExecutors   
 as well as spark.total.executor.cores. this command works fine when        
 running a session from cmd line                                            
 ./spark-2.1.0/bin/pyspark --master spark://master:7077 --executor-cores 2  
 --num-executors 1 --total-executor-cores 4                                 
  Not using Mixmax yet?                                                     
 post request on livy:8998/session                                          
 "kind": "pyspark",                                                         
 "proxyUser": "root",                                                       
 "conf": {                                                                  
 "spark.cassandra.connection.host": ",,",     
 "spark.executor.cores": 2,                                                 
 "spark.total.executor.cores": 2,                                           
 "livy.spark.driver.cores": 2,                                              
 "livy.spark.executor.cores": 2,                                            
 "livy.spark.executor.instances": 1                                         
 "executorMemory": "1G",                                                    
 "executorCores": 2,                                                        
 "numExecutors": 1,                                                         
 "driverCores": 1,                                                          
 "driverMemory": "1G"                                                       
  Not using Mixmax yet?                                                     
 Is there any configuration I can do to limit the cores, so that I can run  
 multiple sessions on same cluster?                                         

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