Hi Rahul, We are developing on Livy thrift server. Start livy thrift server as follows: 1.compile by "mvn clean package -DskipTests=true -Pthriftserver" 2.config "livy.server.thrift.enabled=true" in livy.conf 3./livy-server start
------------------ ???????? ------------------ ??????: "rahul challapalli"<challapallira...@gmail.com>; ????????: 2019??8??27??(??????) ????7:04 ??????: "user"<user@livy.incubator.apache.org>; ????: Livy Thrift Server status Hi Team, Livy thrift server is marked as experimental in livy 0.6 release. Can someone elaborate on the known limitations, major bugs etc? Also the livy thrift server is not started by default. How do I start it? - Rahul