On 09/12/2016 15:01, Gupta, Rajiv wrote:
I'm getting this error very frequently now :(

BasicFlexGroup0_io_workload/pm_io/.lucyindex/1 :  input 47 too high
S_fibonacci at core/Lucy/Index/IndexManager.c line 129

Is there any workaround?

I'm using LightMergeManager I'm not sure if it is because of that. Should I 
stop that?

Please help. Very frequently I'm getting it now.

I committed a fix to the 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6 branches. Your best option is to get one of these branches with Git and recompile Lucy. If you can't do that, either stop using LightMergeManager, or try the following untested workaround.

Modify LightMergeManager to not call SUPER::recycle:

    package LightMergeManager;
    use base qw( Lucy::Index::IndexManager );

    sub recycle {
        my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
        my $seg_readers = $args{reader}->get_seg_readers;
        @$seg_readers = grep { $_->doc_max < 10 } @$seg_readers;
        return $seg_readers;

Make BackgroundMerger always "optimize" the index before committing:


However, the search is now slower (after adding PolyReader/IndexReader). I used 
PolyReader as in one of the forum it was mentioned that PolyReader has 
protection against some mem leak issue.

Any tips I can improve performance while using IndexReader?

Using PolyReader or IndexReader shouldn't make a difference performance-wise. The performance drop is probably caused by supplying an IndexManager to IndexReader or PolyReader which results in additional overhead from read locks. You should move the index to a local filesystem if you're concerned about performance.

However, since I'm searching and indexing the files from the same process and same system should 
they need to be unique? Should I append something like <hostname>_search, 
<hostname>_index, <hostname>_delete?

No, simply use the hostname without a suffix.


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