On 06/12/2016 22:16, Gupta, Rajiv wrote:
I thought since I'm doing read and write together I may be getting file error 
so I tried to use FastUpdate method described here - 

You shouldn't get any filesystem errors when searching and indexing simultaneously. The only error you might get under normal operation is lock timeouts. In this case, you should consider fast updates.

But the errors you're seeing indicate a different problem that probably won't be cured by fast updates.

But now I'm more frequently getting below error.
Error input 57 too high
20161206 150630 []  S_fibonacci at core/Lucy/Index/IndexManager.c line 129

This is caused by a known bug. Unfortunately, the fix wasn't committed when it came up for the first time:


I'll make sure that the fix gets into the next release.

How many docs I should limit to commit together?

If you're (re)indexing thousands of documents and don't want searchers to be locked out, you should consider indexing batches of documents and sleep between each batch to allow concurrent searches. I'd start with several hundred documents per batch and and sleep for maybe 2 seconds. This thread contains more details:



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