Those aliases are defined in src/conf/driver.classes.default.props.

That language is shell-scripting, e.g. bash.

On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 2:15 PM, qiaoresearcher <>wrote:

> when run the command like:
> mahout seq2sparse -i inputfile -o outputfile
> where is the command seq2sparse defined? how does the system know to
> actually run the SparseFileFromSequenceFile class?
>  what is the language used in the command Mahout such as the language given
> below:
> ========================================
> THIS="$0"
> while [ -h "$THIS" ]; do
>   ls=`ls -ld "$THIS"`
>   link=`expr "$ls" : '.*-> \(.*\)$'`
>   if expr "$link" : '.*/.*' > /dev/null; then
>     THIS="$link"
>   else
>     THIS=`dirname "$THIS"`/"$link"
>   fi
> done
> if [ "$1" == "-core" ] ; then
>   IS_CORE=1
>   shift
> fi
> if [ "$MAHOUT_CORE" != "" ]; then
>   IS_CORE=1
> fi
> # some directories
> THIS_DIR=`dirname "$THIS"`
> MAHOUT_HOME=`cd "$THIS_DIR/.." ; pwd`
> # some Java parameters
> if [ "$MAHOUT_JAVA_HOME" != "" ]; then
>   #echo "run java in $MAHOUT_JAVA_HOME"
> fi

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