You want to create “Behavioral Search”? This is where you boost items that have 
the search terms in them more likely to be favored by the individual user?

You want to use the CCO algorithm in Mahout. You need to collect behavioral 
information like conversions, detailed page views, etc. Run each event through 
CCO and you get a collection of “indicators” as item attributes. Augment the 
Solr index with fields (indicators) attached to item documents. Then at query 
time supply the search terms as a “must match” and use user history as the 
query segment against the corresponding indicator fields as a “should match” 
with some boosting factor. 

CCO is here: 
and a post on Personalizing Search here: 

BTW Do you have a recommender running? If not that is likely to generate almost 
an order of magnitude better results than Behavioral Search. From Industry 
wisdom and experience, implement a recommender first, then augment search. On 
E-Commerce data we have reported results of 10-30% conversion lift from 
recommendations and ~3% for Behavioral Search. 3% is significant but requires 
you to gather the same info that it takes to do a recommender so why not do a 
recommender first.

There is an almost turnkey recommender that uses CCO here: It uses Elasticsearch but is standalone, not integrated 
into any search tech you use elsewhere.

On Mar 31, 2017, at 9:30 PM, arun abraham <> wrote:

Hi All,

I am trying to integrate Apache mahout with Solr.I have created a search
application using Solr which has spellcheck,type ahead suggestions
functionalities.I have a new requirement to display recommendations( from
index which has ~100 docs ) for a specific search(keyword based).Is it
possible to recommend docs or links from web together with the indexed data?
Kindly guide me on the possibilities for the same also on the integration

Thanks and Regards,

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