Quick reminder to all: the community survey remains open!

Please take a few minutes to tell us how you're using Mesos:


On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 2:39 PM, Dave Lester <daveles...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Please take a few minutes to complete this Mesos community survey:
> http://bit.ly/MesosCommunitySurvey
> I strongly encourage participation from EVERYONE: whether you are running
> in production, yet-to-run Mesos but curious about the project, or actively
> kicking the tires in your test cluster, etc. This is a first attempt to
> take the pulse of the community, understand some basic patterns of usage,
> and identify room for improvement.
> As an added-in bonus, I'll randomly choose a handful of folks who complete
> the survey by this Friday (5/16) and mail you some Mesos & Twitter swag.
> Thanks in advance for your feedback -- looking forward to sharing the
> results with the community.
> Dave

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