Hi All,

Below is a blog post <http://mesos.apache.org/blog/mesos-0-19-0-released/>
that Ben Mahler wrote as release manager for Mesos 0.19.0; it was published
on the Mesos site today.

I know that not everyone follows @ApacheMesos
<http://twitter.com/ApacheMesos> Twitter (even though you should!), so I
wanted to make sure was also shared on the user@ list.


Apache Mesos 0.19.0 Released

The latest Mesos release, 0.19.0 is now available for download
<http://mesos.apache.org/downloads/>. This new version includes the
following features and improvements:

   - The master now persists the list of registered slaves in a durable
   replicated manner using the Registrar and the replicated log.
   - Alpha support for custom container technologies has been added with
   the ExternalContainerizer
   - Metrics reporting has been overhauled and is now exposed on
   - Slave Authentication: optionally, only authenticated slaves can
   register with the master.
   - Numerous bug fixes and stability improvements.

Full release notes are available on JIRA

Mesos 0.19.0 introduces the “Registrar”
the master now persists the list of registered slaves in a durable
replicated manner. The previous lack of durable state was an intentional
design decision that simplified failover and allowed masters to be run and
migrated with ease. However, the stateless design had issues:

   - In the event of a dual failure (slave fails while master is down), no
   lost task notifications are sent. This leads to a task running according to
   the framework but unknown to Mesos.
   - When a new master is elected, we may allow rogue slaves to re-register
   with the master. This leads to tasks running on the slave that are not
   known to the framework.

Persisting the list of registered slaves allows failed over masters to
detect slaves that do not re-register, and notify frameworks accordingly.
It also allows us to prevent rogue slaves from re-registering; terminating
the rogue tasks in the process.

The state is persisted using the replicated log
since 0.9.0).
External Containerization

As alluded to <http://mesos.apache.org/blog/mesos-0-18-0-released/> during
the containerization / isolation refactor in 0.18.0, the
ExternalContainerizer has landed in this release. This provides alpha level
support for custom containerization.

[image: Mesos Containerizer Isolator APIs]

Developers can implement their own external containerizers to provide
support for custom container technologies. Initial Docker support is now
available through some community driven external containerizers: Docker
Containerizer for Mesos
<https://github.com/duedil-ltd/mesos-docker-containerizer> by Tom Arnfeld
and Deimos <https://github.com/mesosphere/deimos> by Jason Dusek. Please
reach out on the mailing lists with questions!

Previously, Mesos components had to use custom metrics code and custom HTTP
endpoints for exposing metrics. This made it difficult to expose additional
system metrics and often required having an endpoint for each libprocess
Process (Actor) for which metrics were desired. Having metrics spread
across endpoints was operationally complex.

We needed a consistent, simple, and global way to expose metrics, which led
to the creation of a metrics library within libprocess
<https://github.com/apache/mesos/tree/0.19.0/3rdparty/libprocess>. All
metrics are now exposed via /metrics/snapshot. The /stats.json endpoint
remains for backwards compatibility.

For backwards compatibility, the “Registrar” will be enabled in a phased
manner. By default, the “Registrar” is write-only in 0.19.0 and will be
read/write in 0.20.0.

If running in high-availability mode with ZooKeeper, operators must now
specify the --work_dir for the master, along with the --quorum size of the
ensemble of masters. This means adding or removing masters must be done
carefully! The best practice is to only ever add or remove a single master
at a time and to allow a small amount of time for the replicated log to
catch up on the new master. Maintenance documentation will be added to
reflect this.

Please refer to the upgrades
<http://mesos.apache.org/documentation/latest/upgrades/> document, which
details how to perform an upgrade from 0.18.x.
Future Work

Thanks to the Registrar, reconciliation primitives can now be provided to
ensure that the state of tasks between Mesos and frameworks is kept
consistent. This will remove the need for frameworks to implement
out-of-band task reconciliation to inspect the state of slaves.
Reconciliation work is being tracked at MESOS-1407

The addition of state through the Registrar opens up a rich set of possible
features that were previously not possible due to the lack of persistent
state in the master. These include:

   - Cluster maintenance primitives (MESOS-1474
   - Repair automation (MESOS-695
   - Global resource reservations

Getting Involved

We encourage you to try out this release, and let us know what you think
and if you hit any issues on the user mailing list. You can also get in
touch with us via @ApacheMesos <http://twitter.com/ApacheMesos> or via mailing
lists and IRC <http://mesos.apache.org/community/>.

Thanks to the 32 contributors who made 0.19.0 possible:

Ashutosh Jain, Adam B, Alexandra Sava, Anton Lindström, Archana kumari,
Benjamin Hindman, Benjamin Mahler, Bernardo Gomez Palacio, Bernd Mathiske,
Charlie Carson, Chengwei Yang, Chi Zhang, Dave Lester, Dominic Hamon, Ian
Downes, Isabel Jimenez, Jake Farrell, Jameel, Al-Aziz, Jiang Yan Xu, Jie
Yu, Nikita Vetoshkin, Niklas Q. Nielsen, Ritwik Yadav, Sam Taha, Steven
Phung, Till Toenshoff, Timothy St. Clair, Tobi Knaup, Tom Arnfeld, Tom
Galloway, Vinod Kone, Vinson Lee

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