Already a fan based solely on the wicked ascii art! :)

On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 6:20 PM, Tom Arnfeld <> wrote:

> Hey everyone,
> Thought it would be worth sharing this on the mailing list. We've recently
> open sourced a Mesos framework called Portainer, which is for *building*
> docker containers on top of your cluster.
> It is in working order, though very early stage... It supports all
> *Dockerfile* instructions (including *ADD*) and can build multiple images
> in parallel. It's written entirely in Python, and is also built upon the
> Pesos python framework API @wickman, @nekto0n and I have been working on,
> so there's no need to install libmesos to use the framework.
> I ended up trying out the idea because we've had a painful experience
> managing dedicated infrastructure for building all of our images, which I'm
> sure some of you can empathise with, and figured we could leverage the
> spare capacity on our new Mesos cluster to cut that out entirely.
> We'd love any feedback or suggestions, as well as any contributions!
> Looking forward to hearing what you all think. :-)
> Side note... It would be great if there were a place we could list all of
> the known frameworks for users to explore, maybe this already exists?
> Cheers,
> Tom (and the rest of the infra team at DueDil).

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