I have a nice setup with a Hive thrift server running in a docker
container on Mesos. It works pretty well, but something, I believe in
how HAProxy works with the connection, is causing the thrift server
connection  to die after a time.  Basically, I can run a few queries,
but after 2 or 3, or specifically after a longer query, I get the
error below indicating End of File on the connection.  Then no more
connections work until I reestablish the connection to the thrift
server. I've tried looking in logs. the thrift server std err logs
show no issues. I am guess I need to dig into haproxy logs, but I am
not seeing any issues in syslog so far.  I'd love any pointers on how
to trouble shoot this.  By the way, I have MySQl, hive metastore, and
a minecraft server all running on Mesos/Docker with no issues, not
sure why the thrift server is so sensitive.


pyhs2 connection string:

hs2 = 


/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/thrift/transport/TSocket.pyc in
read(self, sz)
    118     if len(buff) == 0:
    119       raise TTransportException(type=TTransportException.END_OF_FILE,
--> 120                                 message='TSocket read 0 bytes')
    121     return buff

TTransportException: TSocket read 0 bytes

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