I'll try to answer these questions.

1. Currently, the only language you can use is C++. You can workaround this
by writing a proxy in c++ that delegates the calls to, say, python scripts.
See http://mesos.apache.org/documentation/latest/allocation-module/ for
more details.

2. The default allocator is called "dominant resource fairness" since it
tries to distribute resources fairly between active frameworks. This means
it will offer all available resources to all frameworks, but each framework
will get only a certain share. For more information I encourage you to take
a look at the DRF paper.

3. Offered and not declined resources are considered to be used, therefore
they can't be re-offered until freed.

Hope this helps.
On 10 Jun 2015 7:53 am, "Qian Zhang" <zhq527...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Adam, this is very helpful!
> I have a few more questions:
> 1. For the pluggable allocator modules, can I write my own allocator in
> any programming language (e.g., Python, Go, etc)?
> 2. For the default DRF allocator, when it offer resources to a framework,
> will it offer all the available resources (resources not being used by any
> frameworks) to it? Or just part of the available resources?
> 3. If there are multiple frameworks and the default DRF allocator will
> only offer resources to a single framework at a time, then that means
> framework 2 has to wait for framework 1 until framework 1 makes its
> placement decision?

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