On 09/18/2015 01:33 PM, Vinod Kone wrote:

On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 11:31 AM, craig w <codecr...@gmail.com
<mailto:codecr...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Gotcha will there be a blog post / release announcement on the
    website soon?

yea i'll get to it. sorry for the delay.

I'm confused. Here at gentoo, we usually (almost always) follow the
release numbers including the full minor release number designations
of the tarball. So if I download a tarball, it's not references by minor
release number?

Here is a simple, quick example::

www-client/seamonkey        Available versions:  2.33.1-r1 2.35

This accuracy is quintessentially necessary for the gentoo community.
Do I have to fix the name of the tarballs manually?  In gentoo ebuilds,
the files that download, the tarballs directly from a source repo
the exact and complete version number is necessary.   Should
I use github?

What are recommendations for this?

Here is what I'm using for mesos' current ebuild::



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