Yes, it's dangerous to reuse TaskID; there's a JIRA (MESOS-3070) that
Master'll crash when Master failover with duplicated TaskID.

Here's the case of *MESOS-3070*:
T1: launch task (t1) on agent (agent_1)
T2: master failover
T3: launch another task (t1) on agent (agent_2) before agent_1
re-registering back
T4: agent_1 re-registered back; master'll crash because of `CHECK` when add
task (t1) back to master

Is there any special case that framework has to re-use the TaskID; if no
special case, I think we should ask framework to avoid reuse TaskID.

Da (Klaus), Ma (马达) | PMP® | Advisory Software Engineer
Platform OpenSource Technology, STG, IBM GCG
+86-10-8245 4084 | |

On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 12:24 PM, Erik Weathers <>

> tldr; *Reusing TaskIDs clashes with the mesos-agent recovery feature.*
> Adam Bordelon wrote:
> > Reusing taskIds may work if you're guaranteed to never be running two
> instances of the same taskId simultaneously
> I've encountered another scenario where reusing TaskIDs is dangerous, even
> if you meet the guarantee of never running 2 task instances with the same
> TaskID simultaneously.
> *Scenario leading to a problem:*
> Say you have a task with ID "T1", which terminates for some reason, so its
> terminal status update gets recorded into the agent's current "run" in the
> task's updates file:
> MESOS_WORK_DIR/meta/slaves/latest/frameworks/FRAMEWORK_ID/executors/EXECUTOR_ID/runs/latest/tasks/T1/task.updates
> Then say a new task is launched with the same ID of T1, and it gets
> scheduled under the same Executor on the same agent host. In that case, the
> task will be reusing the same work_dir path, and thus have the already
> recorded "terminal status update" in its task.updates file.  So the updates
> file has a stream of updates that might look like this:
> Say you subsequently restart the mesos-slave/agent, expecting all tasks to
> survive the restart via the recovery process.  Unfortunately, T1 is
> terminated because the task recovery logic
> <> 
> [1]
> looks at the current run's tasks' task.updates files, searching for tasks
> with "terminal status updates", and then terminating any such tasks.  So,
> even though T1 was actually running just fine, it gets terminated because
> at some point in its previous incarnation it had a "terminal status update"
> recorded.
> *Leads to inconsistent state*
> Compounding the problem, this termination is done without informing the
> Executor, and thus the process underlying the task continues to run, even
> though mesos thinks it's gone.  Which is really bad since it leaves the
> host with a different state than mesos thinks exists. e.g., if the task had
> a port resource, then mesos incorrectly thinks the port is now free, so a
> framework might try to launch a task/executor that uses the port, but it
> will fail because the process cannot bind to the port.
> *Change recovery code or just update comments in mesos.proto?*
> Perhaps this behavior could be considered a "bug" and the recovery logic
> that processes tasks status updates could be modified to ignore "terminal
> status updates" if there is a subsequent TASK_RUNNING update in the
> task.updates file.  If that sounds like a desirable change, I'm happy to
> file a JIRA issue for that and work on the fix myself.
> If we think the recovery logic is fine as it is, then we should update these
> comments
> <>
>  [2]
> in mesos.proto since they are incorrect given the behavior I just
> encountered:
> A framework generated ID to distinguish a task. The ID must remain
>> unique while the task is active. However, a framework can reuse an
>> ID _only_ if a previous task with the same ID has reached a
>> terminal state (e.g., TASK_FINISHED, TASK_LOST, TASK_KILLED, etc.).
> *Conclusion*
> It is dangerous indeed to reuse a TaskID for separate task runs, even if
> they are guaranteed to not be running concurrently.
> - Erik
> P.S., I encountered this problem while trying to use mesos-agent recovery
> with the storm-mesos framework <> [3].
> Notably, this framework sets the TaskID to
> "<agenthostname>-<stormworkerport>" for the storm worker tasks, so when a
> storm worker dies and is reborn on that host, the TaskID gets reused.  But
> then the task doesn't survive an agent restart (even though the worker
> *process* does survive, putting us in an inconsistent state!).
> P.P.S., being able to enable verbose logging in mesos-slave/agent with the
> GLOG_v=3 environment variable is *super* convenient!  Would have taken me
> *way* longer to figure this out if the verbose logging didn't exist.
> P.P.P.S, To debug this, I wrote a tool
> <> [4] to decode 
> length-prefixed
> protobuf
> <>
>  [5]
> files, such as task.updates.
> Here's an example of invoking the tool (notably, it has the same syntax as
> "protoc --decode", but handles the length-prefix headers):
> cat task.updates | \
>   protoc-decode-lenprefix \
>     --decode mesos.internal.StatusUpdateRecord \
>     -I MESOS_CODE/src -I MESOS_CODE/include \
>     MESOS_CODE/src/messages/messages.proto
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 at 11:45 AM, CCAAT <> wrote:
>> I'd be most curious to see a working example of this idea, prefixes
>> and all for sleeping (long term sleeping) nodes (slave and masters).
>> Anybody, do post what you have/are doing on this taskid resuse and
>> reservations experimentations. Probably many are interested for a variety
>> of reasons including but not limited to security, auditing  and node
>> diversification interests.... My interests are in self-modifying
>> codes, which can be achieved whilst the nodes sleep for some very
>> interesting applications.
>> James
>> On 07/11/2015 06:01 AM, Adam Bordelon wrote:
>>> Reusing taskIds may work if you're guaranteed to never be running two
>>> instances of the same taskId simultaneously, but I could imagine a
>>> particularly dangerous scenario where a master and slave experience a
>>> network partition, so the master declares the slave lost and therefore
>>> its tasks lost, and then the framework scheduler launches a new task
>>> with the same taskId. However, the task is still running on the original
>>> slave. When the slave reregisters and claims it is running that taskId,
>>> or that that taskId has completed, the Mesos master may have a difficult
>>> time reconciling which instance of the task is on which node and in
>>> which status, since it expects only one instance to exist at a time.
>>> You may be better off using a fixed taskId prefix and appending an
>>> incrementing instance/trial number so that each run gets a uniqueId.
>>> Also note that taskIds only need to be unique within a single
>>> frameworkId, so don't worry about conflicting with other frameworks.
>>> TL;DR: I wouldn't recommend it.
>>> On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 10:20 AM, Antonio Fernández
>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>     Sounds risky. Every task should have its own unique id, collisions
>>>     could happen and unexpected issues.
>>>     I think it will be as hard to monitor that you can start again a
>>>     task than get a mechanism to know it’s ID.
>>>     On 10 Jul 2015, at 19:14, Jie Yu <
>>>>     <>> wrote:
>>>>     Re-using Task IDs is definitely not encouraged. As far as I know,
>>>>     many of the Mesos code assume Task ID is unique. So I probably
>>>>     won't risk that.
>>>>     On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 10:06 AM, Sargun Dhillon <
>>>>     <>> wrote:
>>>>         Is reusing Task IDs good behaviour? Let's say that I have some
>>>>         singleton task - I'll call it a monitoring service. It's
>>>>         always going
>>>>         to be the same process, doing the same thing, and there will
>>>>         only ever
>>>>         be one around (per instance of a framework). Reading the
>>>>         protobuf doc,
>>>>         I learned this:
>>>>         /**
>>>>          * A framework generated ID to distinguish a task. The ID must
>>>>         remain
>>>>          * unique while the task is active. However, a framework can
>>>>         reuse an
>>>>          * ID _only_ if a previous task with the same ID has reached a
>>>>          * terminal state (e.g., TASK_FINISHED, TASK_LOST,
>>>>         TASK_KILLED, etc.).
>>>>          */
>>>>         message TaskID {
>>>>           required string value = 1;
>>>>         }
>>>>         ---
>>>>         Which makes me think that it's reasonable to just give this
>>>>         task the
>>>>         same taskID, and that every time I bring it from a terminal
>>>>         status to
>>>>         running once more, I can reuse the same ID. This also gives me
>>>> the
>>>>         benefit of being able to more easily locate the task for a given
>>>>         framework, and I'm able to exploit Mesos for some weak
>>>> guarantees
>>>>         saying there wont be multiple of these running (don't worry,
>>>>         they lock
>>>>         in Zookeeper, and concurrent runs don't do anything, they just
>>>>         fail).
>>>>         Opinions?
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