I attempted to set up SSL following this guide:

I'm able to hit the WebUI with http but using https gives me nothing. I
must be missing something. Here are the steps I'm taking:

   1. I downloaded 0.28.2 from here:
   2. I ran ./configure --enable-libevent --enable-ssl
   3. Then I ran make and make install
   4. I set the following environment variables:
      - export SSL_ENABLED=1
      - export SSL_SUPPORT_DOWNGRADE=0
      - export SSL_KEY_FILE=<path>
      - export SSL_CERT_FILE=<path>
   5. Finally, I ran ./bin/mesos-master.sh --ip=

I can provide any additional information if needed. Thanks!

Also, I read that SSL would be included in mesosphere's nightly builds:

How stable are those builds and has SSL already been included?

-Doug Nelson

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