A quick modification to try...

Replace the container type:

"container": {
>     "type": "DOCKER",

With this:

"container": {
    "type": "MESOS",

That will tell Marathon to use the Mesos containerizer, rather than the
Docker containerizer.

On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 2:38 PM, Marc Roos <m.r...@f1-outsourcing.eu> wrote:

> I was watching this video https://youtu.be/rHUngcGgzVM?t=1515 of using
> mesos for docker images. And it looks like I can run the influxdb docker
> image with
> mesos-execute --master= --name=influxdb
> --docker_image=influxdb --shell=false
> However I have problems launching the application via the marathon
> webinterface, could this be related to that marathon is looking for the
> dockerd?
> Delayed(0 of 1 instances)
> State
> Message
>     Abnormal executor termination: unknown container
> Without any stderr/stdout
> {
>   "id": "/influxdb",
>   "cmd": null,
>   "cpus": 1,
>   "mem": 128,
>   "disk": 200,
>   "instances": 1,
>   "acceptedResourceRoles": [],
>   "container": {
>     "type": "DOCKER",
>     "volumes": [],
>     "docker": {
>       "image": "influxdb",
>       "network": "BRIDGE",
>       "portMappings": [
>         {
>           "containerPort": 8086,
>           "hostPort": 0,
>           "servicePort": 10001,
>           "protocol": "tcp",
>           "name": "httpapi",
>           "labels": {}
>         },
>         {
>           "containerPort": 25829,
>           "hostPort": 0,
>           "servicePort": 10002,
>           "protocol": "tcp",
>           "name": "collectd",
>           "labels": {}
>         }
>       ],
>       "privileged": false,
>       "parameters": [],
>       "forcePullImage": false
>     }
>   },
>   "portDefinitions": [
>     {
>       "port": 10001,
>       "protocol": "tcp",
>       "name": "default",
>       "labels": {}
>     },
>     {
>       "port": 10002,
>       "protocol": "tcp",
>       "labels": {}
>     }
>   ]
> }
> centos7
> mesos-1.4.0-2.0.1.x86_64
> marathon-1.4.8-1.0.660.el7.x86_64
> mesosphere-zookeeper-3.4.6-0.1.20141204175332.centos7.x86_64
> Getting the images directly from /tmp
> PS. Just 'playing' 2 days with mesos test environment, so pardon if
> terminology is not correct.

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