Yes, the agent used to check for the boot id having changed in order to
decide whether to try to recover.

On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 5:53 PM, Srikanth Viswanathan <>

> I am trying to understand under what cases the mesos slave ID changes in
> response to reboot.  I noticed this note at
> documentation/latest/upgrades/#upgrading-from-1-3-x-to-1-4-x:
> Agent is now allowed to recover its agent ID post a host reboot. This
>> prevents the unnecessary discarding of agent ID by prior Mesos versions.
>> Notes about backwards compatibility:
>>    - In case the agent’s recovery runs into agent info mismatch which
>>    may happen due to resource change associated with reboot, it’ll fall back
>>    to recovering as a new agent (existing behavior).
>>    - In other cases such as checkpointed resources (e.g. persistent
>>    volumes) being incompatible with the agent’s resources the recovery will
>>    still fail (existing behavior).
> I was wondering if the behavior prior to 1.3 is also similarly
> well-defined. Is the answer "Will always change after a reboot"?
> Thanks,
> Srikanth

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