We're close to shipping the next Mesos release (1.5.0) and after a great
set of MesosCons in Beijing, LA, and Prague in 2017 we're also starting to
think about 2018 conferences. It's exciting!

One of the ways we help improve the project is with input from folks in our
user and developer communities. Your feedback is critical to help us think
about what we should focus on in the next year. To facilitate this Mesosphere
is running a short survey to understand the usage of Apache Mesos, the
needs of users, and how to improve it going forward.

The aggregate statistics will be publicly shared but all of your responses
will remain confidential. In appreciation for your participation you will
be entered to win your choice of a DJI Spark Drone or an Apple Watch 3!

<Take the Survey>

<https://www.getfeedback.com/r/aCyoDVea>Thank you in advance for


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