After compiling the tip of master from 2018-02-02 on Windows and then doing 
the exact same steps as before IT WORKS NOW ! docker ps shows the started 
container. (In this case the network setting is  "networks": [ { "mode": 
"container/bridge" } ]  ) 
Thanks a lot everybody for your help!

    On Friday, February 2, 2018, 4:26:11 p.m. PST, Akash Gupta (EOSG) 
<> wrote:  
 #yiv5315327519 #yiv5315327519 -- _filtered #yiv5315327519 
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#yiv5315327519 p.yiv5315327519MsoNormal, #yiv5315327519 
li.yiv5315327519MsoNormal, #yiv5315327519 div.yiv5315327519MsoNormal 
{margin:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;font-size:11.0pt;}#yiv5315327519 a:link, 
#yiv5315327519 span.yiv5315327519MsoHyperlink 
{color:blue;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv5315327519 a:visited, #yiv5315327519 
p.yiv5315327519msonormal0, #yiv5315327519 li.yiv5315327519msonormal0, 
#yiv5315327519 div.yiv5315327519msonormal0 
span.yiv5315327519EmailStyle20 {color:windowtext;}#yiv5315327519 
.yiv5315327519MsoChpDefault {font-size:10.0pt;} _filtered #yiv5315327519 
{margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in;}#yiv5315327519 div.yiv5315327519WordSection1 
To summarize:
If you update to the latest 1.5.x branch, then it will fix the docker $PATH 
issue, but you will still run into problems with running docker containers, 
because Mesos 1.5.x doesn’t have the Windows docker network patches that the 
master Mesos branch has. A work around is to send a “network=nat” through the 
docker.parameters field in the json like this:
  "docker": {
        "parameters": [
            { "key": "network", "value": "nat" }
If you update to the tip of master, then you should be able to run your job by 
adding the"networks": [ { "mode": "container/bridge" } ] field to your json. 
You need the network field because the default network setting in marathon is 
`HOST` mode, which is Linux only.
From: ajkf9uvxc ajkf9uvxc []
Sent: Friday, February 2, 2018 3:27 PM
To: Andrew Schwartzmeyer <>
Cc:;; Akash Gupta (EOSG) 
<>; Joseph Wu <>
Subject: Re: Struggling with running Docker container on Windows agent
Yes, I got the same result with Marathon after adding     "networks": [ { 
"mode": "container/bridge" } ],  . It sounds like there are multiple reasons 
for compiling a newer version and the PATH issue you mentioned is the most 
likely fix that will solve the problem.
Knowing what to do next is a big step further. I will tell you how it worked by 
mid next week. 
Thank you!
On Friday, February 2, 2018, 2:50:34 p.m. PST, Andrew Schwartzmeyer 
<> wrote:
Oh, geez, this is even simpler.

We'd temporarily broken the Docker containerizer in 1.5 when we fixed 
environment variables. You need at least commit 1b6f9e90f, where we fixed it. 
You don't have to move to the tip of master, we backported it (as af64bcb387) 
to the 1.5.x branch.

The bug was:

commit 1b6f9e90f
Author: Akash Gupta <>
Date:   Fri Jan 12 16:23:39 2018 -0800

    Windows: Fixed docker executor `PATH` variable.

    The `docker` executable is not usually installed in
    `os::host_default_path()` on Windows, so the Executor cannot find it.
    Now, before launching the Executor, the Agent finds the directory
    containing `docker` and prepends it to the `PATH` given to the Executor
    so that both the Executor and Agent use the same `docker`.


Sorry about that!

On 02/02/2018 2:33 pm, ajkf9uvxc ajkf9uvxc wrote:

Thanks for all your replies.
Here is the stderr requested by Andy (good to know about this log):
I0202 12:52:53.865368  7140 exec.cpp:162] Version: 1.5.0
I0202 12:52:53.911371  7684 exec.cpp:237] Executor registered on agent 
I0202 12:52:53.915374  7192 executor.cpp:120] Registered docker executor on
I0202 12:52:53.920373   548 executor.cpp:160] Starting task 
I0202 12:52:59.252701  6752 executor.cpp:546] Failed to run docker container: 
Failed to create subprocess 'docker': Could not launch child process: Failed to 
call `CreateProcess`: docker -H npipe:////./pipe/docker_engine run --cpu-shares 
1024 --memory 536870912 -e HOST= -e 
MARATHON_APP_DOCKER_IMAGE=microsoft/windowsservercore -e 
MARATHON_APP_ID=/myattempt11/20180202203339zVpxc -e MARATHON_APP_LABELS= -e 
MARATHON_APP_VERSION=1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z -e 
MESOS_CONTAINER_NAME=mesos-74298e92-9700-486d-b211-a42e5fd0bf85 -e 
MESOS_SANDBOX=C:\mesos\sandbox -e 
 --net host --name mesos-74298e92-9700-486d-b211-a42e5fd0bf85 
microsoft/windowsservercore\00: The system cannot find the file specified.
I0202 12:53:00.255151  1164 process.cpp:887] Failed to accept socket: future 
Note about that: the path 
exists but it's empty. There also is no "C:\mesos\sandbox" . I guess the error 
must be referring to one of those.
I will try and see if I get it running by specifying "NAT". Hold on...
In the end, the Windows boxes are supposed to build an application and won't 
run services so NAT is probably fine. 
On Friday, February 2, 2018, 2:13:51 p.m. PST, Andrew Schwartzmeyer 
<> wrote:
You may want to build from the tip of master (e.g. 1.6), as the following 
change/fix went in:

commit 6b35c93ba
Author: Akash Gupta <>
Date:   Wed Jan 17 13:51:44 2018 -0800

    Windows: Mapped the Docker network info types.

    The Network enum in DockerInfo is specific to Linux containers. `HOST`
    doesn't exist on Windows and `BRIDGE` is `NAT` on Windows. The current
    default docker network setting was always `HOST`, which broke the
    Windows docker executor. Now, if a specific network isn't given, the
    network mode will default to `HOST` on Linux agents and `NAT` on Windows
    agents. Also, `BRIDGE` mode will be translated to `NAT` on Windows.


Then you can set the network type to "BRIDGE" in Marathon, which on Windows is 
equivalent (and will use) the Docker NAT network. 
 (but note that it applies to 1.6, not your current version at 1.5).
On 02/02/2018 1:44 pm, Joseph Wu wrote:

It doesn't look like you've set the network type to `NAT`.  Marathon isn't 
aware (yet) that Docker on Windows does not support HOST/BRIDGE networks.
On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 1:37 PM, Andrew Schwartzmeyer <> 


Would you please provide me with the executor's stderr log? This can be found 
in the work directory on the agent, it should give us a bit more information as 
to why it failed to start the task.

It'll be deeply nested, something like:

 (and stdout)


On 02/02/2018 1:30 pm, ajkf9uvxc ajkf9uvxc wrote:

I am trying to get a job in DCOS to run a docker container on a Windows agent 
machine. DCOS was installed using the AWS CF template here: (single master).
The Windows agent is added:
C:\mesos\mesos\build\src\mesos-agent.exe --attributes=os:windows 
--containerizers=docker,mesos --hostname= --IP= 
--master=zk:// --work_dir=c:\mesos\work_dir 
--launcher_dir=c:\mesos\mesos\build\src --log_dir=c:\mesos\logs
And a simple job works: -> Job -> New
 "id": "mywindowstest01",
 "labels": {},
 "run": {
   "cpus": 0.01,
   "mem": 128,
   "disk": 0,
   "cmd": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe /c echo helloworld > 
   "env": {},
   "placement": {
     "constraints": [
         "attribute": "os",
         "operator": "EQ",
         "value": "windows"
   "artifacts": [],
   "maxLaunchDelay": 3600,
   "volumes": [],
   "restart": {
     "policy": "NEVER"
 "schedules": []
creates: "c:\\mesos\\work_dir\\helloworld2"
The Windows agent has DockerCE installed and is set to run Windows containers 
(tried with Linux containers as well and getting the same problem, but for the 
purpose of this question let's stick to Windows containers)
I confirmed that it's possible to run a Windows container manually, directly on 
Windows 10 by starting a Powershell as Administrator and running:
docker run -ti microsoft/windowsservercore
docker run microsoft/windowsservercore
Both commands create a new container (verified with "docker ps" , besides I get 
a cmd.exe shell in the conatiner for the first command)
Now the problem:
trying to run a container from DCOS does not work:
dcos job add a.json
with the json:
  "id": "myattempt11",
  "labels": {},
  "run": {
    "env": {},
    "cpus": 1.00,
    "mem": 512,
    "disk": 1000,
    "placement": {
      "constraints": [
          "attribute": "os",
          "operator": "EQ",
          "value": "windows"
    "artifacts": [],
    "maxLaunchDelay": 3600,
    "docker": {
      "image": "microsoft/windowsservercore"
    "restart": {
      "policy": "NEVER"
  "schedules": []
Does not work:
# dcos job add a.json
# dcos job run myattempt11 
Run ID: 20180202203339zVpxc
The log on the Mesos Agent on Windows shows activity but not much information 
about the problem (see "TASK_FAILED" at the end below):
Log file created at: 2018/02/02 12:52:47
Running on machine: DESKTOP-JJK06UJ
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I0202 12:52:47.330880  8388 logging.cpp:201] INFO level logging started!
I0202 12:52:47.335886  8388 main.cpp:365] Build: 2017-12-20 23:35:42 UTC by 
Anne S Bell
I0202 12:52:47.335886  8388 main.cpp:366] Version: 1.5.0
I0202 12:52:47.337895  8388 main.cpp:373] Git SHA: 
I0202 12:52:47.358888  8388 resolver.cpp:69] Creating default secret resolver
I0202 12:52:47.574883  8388 containerizer.cpp:304] Using isolation { 
windows/cpu, filesystem/windows, windows/mem, environment_secret }
I0202 12:52:47.577883  8388 provisioner.cpp:299] Using default backend 'copy'
I0202 12:52:47.596886  3348 slave.cpp:262] Mesos agent started on 
I0202 12:52:47.597883  3348 slave.cpp:263] Flags at startup: 
--attributes="os:windows" --authenticate_http_readonly="false" 
--authenticate_http_readwrite="false" --authenticatee="crammd5" 
--authentication_backoff_factor="1secs" --authorizer="local" 
--container_disk_watch_interval="15secs" --containerizers="docker,mesos" 
--default_role="*" --disk_watch_interval="1mins" --docker="docker" 
--docker_kill_orphans="true" --docker_registry=""; 
--docker_remove_delay="6hrs" --docker_socket="//./pipe/docker_engine" 
--enforce_container_disk_quota="false" --executor_registration_timeout="1mins" 
--fetcher_cache_size="2GB" --frameworks_home="" --gc_delay="1weeks" 
--gc_disk_headroom="0.1" --hadoop_home="" --help="false" 
--hostname="" --hostname_lookup="true" 
--http_command_executor="false" --http_heartbeat_interval="30secs" 
--initialize_driver_logging="true" --ip="" 
--isolation="windows/cpu,windows/mem" --launcher="windows" 
--launcher_dir="c:\mesos\mesos\build\src" --log_dir="c:\mesos\logs" 
--logbufsecs="0" --logging_level="INFO" --master="zk://" 
--oversubscribed_resources_interval="15secs" --port="5051" 
--qos_correction_interval_min="0ns" --quiet="false" 
--reconfiguration_policy="equal" --recover="reconnect" 
--recovery_timeout="15mins" --registration_backoff_factor="1secs" 
--sandbox_directory="C:\mesos\sandbox" --strict="true" --version="false" 
--work_dir="c:\mesos\work_dir" --zk_session_timeout="10secs"
I0202 12:52:47.604887  3348 slave.cpp:612] Agent resources: 
I0202 12:52:47.725885  3348 slave.cpp:620] Agent attributes: [ os=windows ]
I0202 12:52:47.727886  3348 slave.cpp:629] Agent hostname:
I0202 12:52:47.735886  7652 task_status_update_manager.cpp:181] Pausing sending 
task status updates
I0202 12:52:47.738890  4052 group.cpp:341] Group process 
(zookeeper-group(1)@ connected to ZooKeeper
I0202 12:52:47.739887  4052 group.cpp:831] Syncing group operations: queue size 
(joins, cancels, datas) = (0, 0, 0)
I0202 12:52:47.740885  4052 group.cpp:419] Trying to create path '/mesos' in 
I0202 12:52:47.773885  5168 state.cpp:66] Recovering state from 
E0202 12:52:47.773885  3348 slave.cpp:1009] Failed to attach 
'c:\mesos\logs\mesos-agent.exe.INFO' to virtual path '/slave/log': Failed to 
get realpath of 'c:\mesos\logs\mesos-agent.exe.INFO': Failed to get attributes 
for file 'c:\mesos\logs\mesos-agent.exe.INFO': The system cannot find the file 
I0202 12:52:47.774884  5168 state.cpp:724] No committed checkpointed resources 
found at 'c:\mesos\work_dir\meta\resources\'
I0202 12:52:47.779883  5168 state.cpp:110] Failed to find the latest agent from 
I0202 12:52:47.781888  3528 task_status_update_manager.cpp:207] Recovering task 
status update manager
I0202 12:52:47.782883  3348 docker.cpp:890] Recovering Docker containers
I0202 12:52:47.782883  7652 containerizer.cpp:674] Recovering containerizer
I0202 12:52:47.807888  3768 provisioner.cpp:495] Provisioner recovery complete
I0202 12:52:47.891667  5168 detector.cpp:152] Detected a new leader: (id='1171')
I0202 12:52:47.892666  7652 group.cpp:700] Trying to get 
'/mesos/json.info_0000001171' in ZooKeeper
I0202 12:52:47.970657  5168 zookeeper.cpp:262] A new leading master 
(UPID=master@ is detected
I0202 12:52:48.011252  7652 slave.cpp:6776] Finished recovery
I0202 12:52:48.020246  3768 task_status_update_manager.cpp:181] Pausing sending 
task status updates
I0202 12:52:48.020246  7652 slave.cpp:1055] New master detected at 
I0202 12:52:48.021251  7652 slave.cpp:1099] No credentials provided. Attempting 
to register without authentication
I0202 12:52:48.023254  7652 slave.cpp:1110] Detecting new master
I0202 12:52:48.330085  4052 slave.cpp:1275] Registered with master 
master@; given agent ID a0664e60-846a-42d0-9586-cf97e997eba3-S0
I0202 12:52:48.331082  5168 task_status_update_manager.cpp:188] Resuming 
sending task status updates
I0202 12:52:48.348086  4052 slave.cpp:1352] Forwarding agent update 
W0202 12:52:48.351085  4052 slave.cpp:1334] Already registered with master 
I0202 12:52:48.356086  4052 slave.cpp:1352] Forwarding agent update 
W0202 12:52:48.358086  4052 slave.cpp:1334] Already registered with master 
I0202 12:52:48.359086  4052 slave.cpp:1352] Forwarding agent update 
W0202 12:52:48.362089  4052 slave.cpp:1334] Already registered with master 
I0202 12:52:48.363085  4052 slave.cpp:1352] Forwarding agent update 
W0202 12:52:48.364082  4052 slave.cpp:1334] Already registered with master 
I0202 12:52:48.365085  4052 slave.cpp:1352] Forwarding agent update 
I0202 12:52:50.938498  7652 slave.cpp:1831] Got assigned task 
'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88' for 
framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000
I0202 12:52:50.962504  7652 slave.cpp:2101] Authorizing task 
'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88' for 
framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000
I0202 12:52:50.965504  3768 slave.cpp:2494] Launching task 
'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88' for 
framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000
I0202 12:52:50.988512  3768 slave.cpp:8373] Launching executor 
'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88' of 
framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 with resources 
 in work directory 
I0202 12:52:50.995501  3768 slave.cpp:3046] Launching container 
74298e92-9700-486d-b211-a42e5fd0bf85 for executor 
'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88' of 
framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000
I0202 12:52:51.010500  3768 slave.cpp:2580] Queued task 
'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88' for 
executor 'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88' 
of framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000
I0202 12:52:51.017498  3348 docker.cpp:1144] Starting container 
'74298e92-9700-486d-b211-a42e5fd0bf85' for task 
'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88' (and 
'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88') of 
framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000
I0202 12:52:53.731667  1104 docker.cpp:784] Checkpointing pid 7732 to 
I0202 12:52:53.894371  4052 slave.cpp:4314] Got registration for executor 
'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88' of 
framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 from 
I0202 12:52:53.911371  1104 docker.cpp:1627] Ignoring updating container 
74298e92-9700-486d-b211-a42e5fd0bf85 because resources passed to update are 
identical to existing resources
I0202 12:52:53.914371  3768 slave.cpp:2785] Sending queued task 
'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88' to 
executor 'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88' 
of framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 at 
I0202 12:52:53.931371  7652 slave.cpp:4771] Handling status update 
TASK_STARTING (Status UUID: ef5adc2f-6f66-44c3-bc98-7697c1315ebf) for task 
myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 of 
framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 from 
I0202 12:52:53.942371  5168 task_status_update_manager.cpp:328] Received task 
status update TASK_STARTING (Status UUID: ef5adc2f-6f66-44c3-bc98-7697c1315ebf) 
for task myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 
of framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000
I0202 12:52:53.948371  5168 task_status_update_manager.cpp:842] Checkpointing 
UPDATE for task status update TASK_STARTING (Status UUID: 
ef5adc2f-6f66-44c3-bc98-7697c1315ebf) for task 
myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 of 
framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000
I0202 12:52:53.950371  1104 slave.cpp:5254] Forwarding the update TASK_STARTING 
(Status UUID: ef5adc2f-6f66-44c3-bc98-7697c1315ebf) for task 
myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 of 
framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 to master@
I0202 12:52:53.953371  1104 slave.cpp:5163] Sending acknowledgement for status 
update TASK_STARTING (Status UUID: ef5adc2f-6f66-44c3-bc98-7697c1315ebf) for 
task myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 of 
framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 to 
I0202 12:52:54.049816  3348 task_status_update_manager.cpp:401] Received task 
status update acknowledgement (UUID: ef5adc2f-6f66-44c3-bc98-7697c1315ebf) for 
task myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 of 
framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000
I0202 12:52:54.051817  3348 task_status_update_manager.cpp:842] Checkpointing 
ACK for task status update TASK_STARTING (Status UUID: 
ef5adc2f-6f66-44c3-bc98-7697c1315ebf) for task 
myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 of 
framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000
I0202 12:52:59.255755  4052 slave.cpp:4771] Handling status update TASK_FAILED 
(Status UUID: c0775c86-4f1b-44a6-ae8f-347486f6fa9f) for task 
myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 of 
framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 from 
I0202 12:52:59.260759  4052 task_status_update_manager.cpp:328] Received task 
status update TASK_FAILED (Status UUID: c0775c86-4f1b-44a6-ae8f-347486f6fa9f) 
for task myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 
of framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000
I0202 12:52:59.261757  4052 task_status_update_manager.cpp:842] Checkpointing 
UPDATE for task status update TASK_FAILED (Status UUID: 
c0775c86-4f1b-44a6-ae8f-347486f6fa9f) for task 
myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 of 
framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000
I0202 12:52:59.263756  5168 slave.cpp:5254] Forwarding the update TASK_FAILED 
(Status UUID: c0775c86-4f1b-44a6-ae8f-347486f6fa9f) for task 
myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 of 
framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 to master@
I0202 12:52:59.265756  5168 slave.cpp:5163] Sending acknowledgement for status 
update TASK_FAILED (Status UUID: c0775c86-4f1b-44a6-ae8f-347486f6fa9f) for task 
myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 of 
framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 to 
I0202 12:52:59.367189  7052 task_status_update_manager.cpp:401] Received task 
status update acknowledgement (UUID: c0775c86-4f1b-44a6-ae8f-347486f6fa9f) for 
task myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 of 
framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000
I0202 12:52:59.368187  7052 task_status_update_manager.cpp:842] Checkpointing 
ACK for task status update TASK_FAILED (Status UUID: 
c0775c86-4f1b-44a6-ae8f-347486f6fa9f) for task 
myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 of 
framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000
I0202 12:53:00.261153  4052 slave.cpp:5386] Got exited event for 
I0202 12:53:00.471400  7052 docker.cpp:2415] Executor for container 
74298e92-9700-486d-b211-a42e5fd0bf85 has exited
I0202 12:53:00.472362  7052 docker.cpp:2186] Destroying container 
74298e92-9700-486d-b211-a42e5fd0bf85 in RUNNING state
I0202 12:53:00.474362  7052 docker.cpp:2236] Running docker stop on container 
I0202 12:53:00.477478  3348 slave.cpp:5795] Executor 
'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88' of 
framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 exited with status 0
I0202 12:53:00.478476  3348 slave.cpp:5899] Cleaning up executor 
'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88' of 
framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 at 
I0202 12:53:00.481472  4052 gc.cpp:90] Scheduling 
 for gc 6.99989026072889days in the future
I0202 12:53:00.483475  3528 gc.cpp:90] Scheduling 
 for gc 6.99987866347259days in the future
I0202 12:53:00.484474  5168 gc.cpp:90] Scheduling 
 for gc 6.99999439265185days in the future
I0202 12:53:00.485474  5168 gc.cpp:90] Scheduling 
 for gc 6.99987864033482days in the future
I0202 12:53:00.485474  3348 slave.cpp:6006] Cleaning up framework 
I0202 12:53:00.486479  1104 task_status_update_manager.cpp:289] Closing task 
status update streams for framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000
I0202 12:53:00.487473  3768 gc.cpp:90] Scheduling 
 for gc 6.9998786172days in the future
I0202 12:53:00.488477  3768 gc.cpp:90] Scheduling 
 for gc 6.99987860557926days in the future
I0202 12:53:47.742332  7052 slave.cpp:6314] Current disk usage 24.73%. Max 
allowed age: 4.568714599279827days
I0202 12:54:01.675030  7052 slave.cpp:6222] Framework 
0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 seems to have exited. Ignoring 
registration timeout for executor 
I0202 12:54:03.169529  3348 slave.cpp:970] Received SIGUSR1 signal; 
unregistering and shutting down
I0202 12:54:03.170536  3348 slave.cpp:931] Agent terminating
I0202 12:54:03.199530  3308 process.cpp:887] Failed to accept socket: future 
in DCOS web-ui -> Jobs -> myattempt11 -> Run History  there is also no 
Are there any good troubleshooting tips / ideas what to try or where to find 
more informative logs to run a Docker container on Windows using Mesos? 
Are there any more suitable alternative orchestration tools to run Docker 
Windows containers in a cluster?


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