Awesome to hear it!

On 02/05/2018 3:30 pm, ajkf9uvxc ajkf9uvxc wrote: 

> After compiling the tip of master from 2018-02-02 on Windows and then doing 
> the exact same steps as before IT WORKS NOW ! docker ps shows the started 
> container. (In this case the network setting is "networks": [ { "mode": 
> "container/bridge" } ] ) 
> Thanks a lot everybody for your help! 
> On Friday, February 2, 2018, 4:26:11 p.m. PST, Akash Gupta (EOSG) 
> <> wrote: 
> To summarize: 
> If you update to the latest 1.5.x branch, then it will fix the docker $PATH 
> issue, but you will still run into problems with running docker containers, 
> because Mesos 1.5.x doesn't have the Windows docker network patches that the 
> master Mesos branch has. A work around is to send a "network=nat" through the 
> docker.parameters field in the json like this: 
> "docker": { 
> "parameters": [ 
> { "key": "network", "value": "nat" } 
> ] 
> } 
> If you update to the tip of master, then you should be able to run your job 
> by adding the "networks": [ { "mode": "container/bridge" } ] field to your 
> json. You need the network field because the default network setting in 
> marathon is `HOST` mode, which is Linux only. 
> FROM: ajkf9uvxc ajkf9uvxc [] 
> SENT: Friday, February 2, 2018 3:27 PM
> TO: Andrew Schwartzmeyer <>
> CC:;; Akash Gupta (EOSG) 
> <>; Joseph Wu <>
> SUBJECT: Re: Struggling with running Docker container on Windows agent 
> Yes, I got the same result with Marathon after adding "networks": [ { "mode": 
> "container/bridge" } ], . It sounds like there are multiple reasons for 
> compiling a newer version and the PATH issue you mentioned is the most likely 
> fix that will solve the problem. 
> Knowing what to do next is a big step further. I will tell you how it worked 
> by mid next week. 
> Thank you! 
> On Friday, February 2, 2018, 2:50:34 p.m. PST, Andrew Schwartzmeyer 
> <> wrote: 
> Oh, geez, this is even simpler.
> We'd temporarily broken the Docker containerizer in 1.5 when we fixed 
> environment variables. You need at least commit 1b6f9e90f, where we fixed it. 
> You don't have to move to the tip of master, we backported it (as af64bcb387) 
> to the 1.5.x branch.
> The bug was: [1]
> commit 1b6f9e90f
> Author: Akash Gupta <>
> Date: Fri Jan 12 16:23:39 2018 -0800
> Windows: Fixed docker executor `PATH` variable.
> The `docker` executable is not usually installed in
> `os::host_default_path()` on Windows, so the Executor cannot find it.
> Now, before launching the Executor, the Agent finds the directory
> containing `docker` and prepends it to the `PATH` given to the Executor
> so that both the Executor and Agent use the same `docker`.
> Review: [2]
> Sorry about that!
> Andy 
> On 02/02/2018 2:33 pm, ajkf9uvxc ajkf9uvxc wrote: 
> Thanks for all your replies. 
> Here is the stderr requested by Andy (good to know about this log): 
> I0202 12:52:53.865368 7140 exec.cpp:162] Version: 1.5.0 
> I0202 12:52:53.911371 7684 exec.cpp:237] Executor registered on agent 
> a0664e60-846a-42d0-9586-cf97e997eba3-S0 
> I0202 12:52:53.915374 7192 executor.cpp:120] Registered docker executor on 
> I0202 12:52:53.920373 548 executor.cpp:160] Starting task 
> myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 
> I0202 12:52:59.252701 6752 executor.cpp:546] Failed to run docker container: 
> Failed to create subprocess 'docker': Could not launch child process: Failed 
> to call `CreateProcess`: docker -H npipe:////./pipe/docker_engine run 
> --cpu-shares 1024 --memory 536870912 -e HOST= -e 
> MARATHON_APP_DOCKER_IMAGE=microsoft/windowsservercore -e 
> MARATHON_APP_ID=/myattempt11/20180202203339zVpxc -e MARATHON_APP_LABELS= -e 
> MARATHON_APP_VERSION=1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z -e 
> MESOS_CONTAINER_NAME=mesos-74298e92-9700-486d-b211-a42e5fd0bf85 -e 
> MESOS_SANDBOX=C:mesossandbox -e 
> MESOS_TASK_ID=myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88
>  -v 
> c:mesoswork_dirslavesa0664e60-846a-42d0-9586-cf97e997eba3-S0dockerlinks74298e92-9700-486d-b211-a42e5fd0bf85:C:mesossandbox
>  --net host --name mesos-74298e92-9700-486d-b211-a42e5fd0bf85 
> microsoft/windowsservercore0: The system cannot find
the file specified. 
> I0202 12:53:00.255151 1164 process.cpp:887] Failed to accept socket: future 
> discarded 
> Note about that: the path 
> c:mesoswork_dirslavesa0664e60-846a-42d0-9586-cf97e997eba3-S0dockerlinks 
> exists but it's empty. There also is no "C:mesossandbox" . I guess the error 
> must be referring to one of those. 
> I will try and see if I get it running by specifying "NAT". Hold on... 
> In the end, the Windows boxes are supposed to build an application and won't 
> run services so NAT is probably fine. 
> On Friday, February 2, 2018, 2:13:51 p.m. PST, Andrew Schwartzmeyer 
> <> wrote: 
> You may want to build from the tip of master (e.g. 1.6), as the following 
> change/fix went in:
> commit 6b35c93ba
> Author: Akash Gupta <>
> Date: Wed Jan 17 13:51:44 2018 -0800
> Windows: Mapped the Docker network info types.
> The Network enum in DockerInfo is specific to Linux containers. `HOST`
> doesn't exist on Windows and `BRIDGE` is `NAT` on Windows. The current
> default docker network setting was always `HOST`, which broke the
> Windows docker executor. Now, if a specific network isn't given, the
> network mode will default to `HOST` on Linux agents and `NAT` on Windows
> agents. Also, `BRIDGE` mode will be translated to `NAT` on Windows.
> Review: [3]
> Then you can set the network type to "BRIDGE" in Marathon, which on Windows 
> is equivalent (and will use) the Docker NAT network. See 
>  [4] (but note that it applies to 1.6, not your current version at 1.5). 
> On 02/02/2018 1:44 pm, Joseph Wu wrote: 
> It doesn't look like you've set the network type to `NAT`. Marathon isn't 
> aware (yet) that Docker on Windows does not support HOST/BRIDGE networks. 
> On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 1:37 PM, Andrew Schwartzmeyer 
> <> wrote: 
> Hello,
> Would you please provide me with the executor's stderr log? This can be found 
> in the work directory on the agent, it should give us a bit more information 
> as to why it failed to start the task.
> It'll be deeply nested, something like:
> c:mesoswork_dirslaves7dc02270-a4e1-4f59-9ad7-56bad5182ea4-S3frameworkseb32cef4-c503-4ab7-85d4-8d4577e6a3bf-0000executorsnotepad.fcf078d1-084a-11e8-8f77-02421c3bc93crunslateststderr
>  (and stdout) 
> Thanks,
> Andy 
> On 02/02/2018 1:30 pm, ajkf9uvxc ajkf9uvxc wrote: 
> Hi, 
> I am trying to get a job in DCOS to run a docker container on a Windows agent 
> machine. DCOS was installed using the AWS CF template here: 
> [5] (single master). 
> The Windows agent is added: 
> C:mesosmesosbuildsrcmesos-agent.exe --attributes=os:windows 
> --containerizers=docker,mesos --hostname= --IP= 
> --master=zk:// [6] --work_dir=c:mesoswork_dir 
> --launcher_dir=c:mesosmesosbuildsrc --log_dir=c:mesoslogs 
> And a simple job works: 
> [7] -> Job -> New 
> { 
> "id": "mywindowstest01", 
> "labels": {}, 
> "run": { 
> "cpus": 0.01, 
> "mem": 128, 
> "disk": 0, 
> "cmd": "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c echo helloworld > 
> c:\mesos\work_dir\helloworld2", 
> "env": {}, 
> "placement": { 
> "constraints": [ 
> { 
> "attribute": "os", 
> "operator": "EQ", 
> "value": "windows" 
> } 
> ] 
> }, 
> "artifacts": [], 
> "maxLaunchDelay": 3600, 
> "volumes": [], 
> "restart": { 
> "policy": "NEVER" 
> } 
> }, 
> "schedules": [] 
> } 
> creates: "c:\mesos\work_dir\helloworld2" 
> The Windows agent has DockerCE installed and is set to run Windows containers 
> (tried with Linux containers as well and getting the same problem, but for 
> the purpose of this question let's stick to Windows containers) 
> I confirmed that it's possible to run a Windows container manually, directly 
> on Windows 10 by starting a Powershell as Administrator and running: 
> docker run -ti microsoft/windowsservercore 
> and 
> docker run microsoft/windowsservercore 
> Both commands create a new container (verified with "docker ps" , besides I 
> get a cmd.exe shell in the conatiner for the first command) 
> Now the problem: 
> trying to run a container from DCOS does not work: 
> dcos job add a.json 
> with the json: 
> { 
> "id": "myattempt11", 
> "labels": {}, 
> "run": { 
> "env": {}, 
> "cpus": 1.00, 
> "mem": 512, 
> "disk": 1000, 
> "placement": { 
> "constraints": [ 
> { 
> "attribute": "os", 
> "operator": "EQ", 
> "value": "windows" 
> } 
> ] 
> }, 
> "artifacts": [], 
> "maxLaunchDelay": 3600, 
> "docker": { 
> "image": "microsoft/windowsservercore" 
> }, 
> "restart": { 
> "policy": "NEVER" 
> } 
> }, 
> "schedules": [] 
> } 
> Does not work: 
> # dcos job add a.json 
> # dcos job run myattempt11 
> Run ID: 20180202203339zVpxc 
> The log on the Mesos Agent on Windows shows activity but not much information 
> about the problem (see "TASK_FAILED" at the end below): 
> Log file created at: 2018/02/02 12:52:47 
> Running on machine: DESKTOP-JJK06UJ 
> Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg 
> I0202 12:52:47.330880 8388 logging.cpp:201] INFO level logging started! 
> I0202 12:52:47.335886 8388 main.cpp:365] Build: 2017-12-20 23:35:42 UTC by 
> Anne S Bell 
> I0202 12:52:47.335886 8388 main.cpp:366] Version: 1.5.0 
> I0202 12:52:47.337895 8388 main.cpp:373] Git SHA: 
> 327726d3c7272806c8f3c3b7479758c26e55fd43 
> I0202 12:52:47.358888 8388 resolver.cpp:69] Creating default secret resolver 
> I0202 12:52:47.574883 8388 containerizer.cpp:304] Using isolation { 
> windows/cpu, filesystem/windows, windows/mem, environment_secret } 
> I0202 12:52:47.577883 8388 provisioner.cpp:299] Using default backend 'copy' 
> I0202 12:52:47.596886 3348 slave.cpp:262] Mesos agent started on 
> (1)@ [8] 
> I0202 12:52:47.597883 3348 slave.cpp:263] Flags at startup: 
> --appc_simple_discovery_uri_prefix="http://"; 
> --appc_store_dir="C:UsersactiveitAppDataLocalTempmesosstoreappc" 
> --attributes="os:windows" --authenticate_http_readonly="false" 
> --authenticate_http_readwrite="false" --authenticatee="crammd5" 
> --authentication_backoff_factor="1secs" --authorizer="local" 
> --container_disk_watch_interval="15secs" --containerizers="docker,mesos" 
> --default_role="*" --disk_watch_interval="1mins" --docker="docker" 
> --docker_kill_orphans="true" --docker_registry=" 
> [9]" --docker_remove_delay="6hrs" --docker_socket="//./pipe/docker_engine" 
> --docker_stop_timeout="0ns" 
> --docker_store_dir="C:UsersactiveitAppDataLocalTempmesosstoredocker" 
> --docker_volume_checkpoint_dir="/var/run/mesos/isolators/docker/volume" 
> --enforce_container_disk_quota="false" 
> --executor_registration_timeout="1mins" 
> --executor_reregistration_timeout="2secs" 
> --executor_shutdown_grace_period="5secs"
--fetcher_cache_size="2GB" --frameworks_home="" --gc_delay="1weeks" 
--gc_disk_headroom="0.1" --hadoop_home="" --help="false" 
--hostname="" --hostname_lookup="true" 
--http_command_executor="false" --http_heartbeat_interval="30secs" 
--initialize_driver_logging="true" --ip="" 
--isolation="windows/cpu,windows/mem" --launcher="windows" 
--launcher_dir="c:mesosmesosbuildsrc" --log_dir="c:mesoslogs" --logbufsecs="0" 
--logging_level="INFO" --master="zk:// [10]" 
--oversubscribed_resources_interval="15secs" --port="5051" 
--qos_correction_interval_min="0ns" --quiet="false" 
--reconfiguration_policy="equal" --recover="reconnect" 
--recovery_timeout="15mins" --registration_backoff_factor="1secs" 
--runtime_dir="C:ProgramDatamesosruntime" --sandbox_directory="C:mesossandbox" 
--strict="true" --version="false" --work_dir="c:mesoswork_dir"
> I0202 12:52:47.604887 3348 slave.cpp:612] Agent resources: 
> [{"name":"cpus","scalar":{"value":4.0},"type":"SCALAR"},{"name":"mem","scalar":{"value":15290.0},"type":"SCALAR"},{"name":"disk","scalar":{"value":470301.0},"type":"SCALAR"},{"name":"ports","ranges":{"range":[{"begin":31000,"end":32000}]},"type":"RANGES"}]
> I0202 12:52:47.725885 3348 slave.cpp:620] Agent attributes: [ os=windows ] 
> I0202 12:52:47.727886 3348 slave.cpp:629] Agent hostname: 
> I0202 12:52:47.735886 7652 task_status_update_manager.cpp:181] Pausing 
> sending task status updates 
> I0202 12:52:47.738890 4052 group.cpp:341] Group process 
> (zookeeper-group(1)@ [8]) connected to ZooKeeper 
> I0202 12:52:47.739887 4052 group.cpp:831] Syncing group operations: queue 
> size (joins, cancels, datas) = (0, 0, 0) 
> I0202 12:52:47.740885 4052 group.cpp:419] Trying to create path '/mesos' in 
> ZooKeeper 
> I0202 12:52:47.773885 5168 state.cpp:66] Recovering state from 
> 'c:mesoswork_dirmeta' 
> E0202 12:52:47.773885 3348 slave.cpp:1009] Failed to attach 
> 'c:mesoslogsmesos-agent.exe.INFO [11]' to virtual path '/slave/log': Failed 
> to get realpath of 'c:mesoslogsmesos-agent.exe.INFO [11]': Failed to get 
> attributes for file 'c:mesoslogsmesos-agent.exe.INFO [11]': The system cannot 
> find the file specified. 
> I0202 12:52:47.774884 5168 state.cpp:724] No committed checkpointed resources 
> found at ' [12]' 
> I0202 12:52:47.779883 5168 state.cpp:110] Failed to find the latest agent 
> from 'c:mesoswork_dirmeta' 
> I0202 12:52:47.781888 3528 task_status_update_manager.cpp:207] Recovering 
> task status update manager 
> I0202 12:52:47.782883 3348 docker.cpp:890] Recovering Docker containers 
> I0202 12:52:47.782883 7652 containerizer.cpp:674] Recovering containerizer 
> I0202 12:52:47.807888 3768 provisioner.cpp:495] Provisioner recovery complete 
> I0202 12:52:47.891667 5168 detector.cpp:152] Detected a new leader: 
> (id='1171') 
> I0202 12:52:47.892666 7652 group.cpp:700] Trying to get 
> '/mesos/json.info_0000001171' in ZooKeeper 
> I0202 12:52:47.970657 5168 zookeeper.cpp:262] A new leading master 
> (UPID=master@ [13]) is detected 
> I0202 12:52:48.011252 7652 slave.cpp:6776] Finished recovery 
> I0202 12:52:48.020246 3768 task_status_update_manager.cpp:181] Pausing 
> sending task status updates 
> I0202 12:52:48.020246 7652 slave.cpp:1055] New master detected at 
> master@ [13] 
> I0202 12:52:48.021251 7652 slave.cpp:1099] No credentials provided. 
> Attempting to register without authentication 
> I0202 12:52:48.023254 7652 slave.cpp:1110] Detecting new master 
> I0202 12:52:48.330085 4052 slave.cpp:1275] Registered with master 
> master@ [14]; given agent ID 
> a0664e60-846a-42d0-9586-cf97e997eba3-S0 
> I0202 12:52:48.331082 5168 task_status_update_manager.cpp:188] Resuming 
> sending task status updates 
> I0202 12:52:48.348086 4052 slave.cpp:1352] Forwarding agent update 
> {"offer_operations":{},"resource_version_uuid":{"value":"DEVEk/KOR5KLtmOgVG9qvw=="},"slave_id":{"value":"a0664e60-846a-42d0-9586-cf97e997eba3-S0"},"update_oversubscribed_resources":true}
> W0202 12:52:48.351085 4052 slave.cpp:1334] Already registered with master 
> master@ [14] 
> I0202 12:52:48.356086 4052 slave.cpp:1352] Forwarding agent update 
> {"offer_operations":{},"resource_version_uuid":{"value":"DEVEk/KOR5KLtmOgVG9qvw=="},"slave_id":{"value":"a0664e60-846a-42d0-9586-cf97e997eba3-S0"},"update_oversubscribed_resources":true}
> W0202 12:52:48.358086 4052 slave.cpp:1334] Already registered with master 
> master@ [14] 
> I0202 12:52:48.359086 4052 slave.cpp:1352] Forwarding agent update 
> {"offer_operations":{},"resource_version_uuid":{"value":"DEVEk/KOR5KLtmOgVG9qvw=="},"slave_id":{"value":"a0664e60-846a-42d0-9586-cf97e997eba3-S0"},"update_oversubscribed_resources":true}
> W0202 12:52:48.362089 4052 slave.cpp:1334] Already registered with master 
> master@ [14] 
> I0202 12:52:48.363085 4052 slave.cpp:1352] Forwarding agent update 
> {"offer_operations":{},"resource_version_uuid":{"value":"DEVEk/KOR5KLtmOgVG9qvw=="},"slave_id":{"value":"a0664e60-846a-42d0-9586-cf97e997eba3-S0"},"update_oversubscribed_resources":true}
> W0202 12:52:48.364082 4052 slave.cpp:1334] Already registered with master 
> master@ [14] 
> I0202 12:52:48.365085 4052 slave.cpp:1352] Forwarding agent update 
> {"offer_operations":{},"resource_version_uuid":{"value":"DEVEk/KOR5KLtmOgVG9qvw=="},"slave_id":{"value":"a0664e60-846a-42d0-9586-cf97e997eba3-S0"},"update_oversubscribed_resources":true}
> I0202 12:52:50.938498 7652 slave.cpp:1831] Got assigned task 
> 'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88' for 
> framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 
> I0202 12:52:50.962504 7652 slave.cpp:2101] Authorizing task 
> 'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88' for 
> framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 
> I0202 12:52:50.965504 3768 slave.cpp:2494] Launching task 
> 'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88' for 
> framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 
> I0202 12:52:50.988512 3768 slave.cpp:8373] Launching executor 
> 'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88' of 
> framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 with resources 
> [{"allocation_info":{"role":"*"},"name":"cpus","scalar":{"value":0.1},"type":"SCALAR"},{"allocation_info":{"role":"*"},"name":"mem","scalar":{"value":32.0},"type":"SCALAR"}]
>  in work directory 
> 'c:mesoswork_dirslavesa0664e60-846a-42d0-9586-cf97e997eba3-S0frameworksca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000executorsmyattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88runs74298e92-9700-486d-b211-a42e5fd0bf85'
> I0202 12:52:50.995501 3768 slave.cpp:3046] Launching container 
> 74298e92-9700-486d-b211-a42e5fd0bf85 for executor 
> 'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88' of 
> framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 
> I0202 12:52:51.010500 3768 slave.cpp:2580] Queued task 
> 'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88' for 
> executor 
> 'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88' of 
> framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 
> I0202 12:52:51.017498 3348 docker.cpp:1144] Starting container 
> '74298e92-9700-486d-b211-a42e5fd0bf85' for task 
> 'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88' (and 
> executor 
> 'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88') of 
> framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 
> I0202 12:52:53.731667 1104 docker.cpp:784] Checkpointing pid 7732 to 
> ''
> I0202 12:52:53.894371 4052 slave.cpp:4314] Got registration for executor 
> 'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88' of 
> framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 from 
> executor(1)@ [15] 
> I0202 12:52:53.911371 1104 docker.cpp:1627] Ignoring updating container 
> 74298e92-9700-486d-b211-a42e5fd0bf85 because resources passed to update are 
> identical to existing resources 
> I0202 12:52:53.914371 3768 slave.cpp:2785] Sending queued task 
> 'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88' to 
> executor 
> 'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88' of 
> framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 at 
> executor(1)@ [15] 
> I0202 12:52:53.931371 7652 slave.cpp:4771] Handling status update 
> TASK_STARTING (Status UUID: ef5adc2f-6f66-44c3-bc98-7697c1315ebf) for task 
> myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 of 
> framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 from 
> executor(1)@ [15] 
> I0202 12:52:53.942371 5168 task_status_update_manager.cpp:328] Received task 
> status update TASK_STARTING (Status UUID: 
> ef5adc2f-6f66-44c3-bc98-7697c1315ebf) for task 
> myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 of 
> framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 
> I0202 12:52:53.948371 5168 task_status_update_manager.cpp:842] Checkpointing 
> UPDATE for task status update TASK_STARTING (Status UUID: 
> ef5adc2f-6f66-44c3-bc98-7697c1315ebf) for task 
> myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 of 
> framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 
> I0202 12:52:53.950371 1104 slave.cpp:5254] Forwarding the update 
> TASK_STARTING (Status UUID: ef5adc2f-6f66-44c3-bc98-7697c1315ebf) for task 
> myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 of 
> framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 to master@ 
> [14] 
> I0202 12:52:53.953371 1104 slave.cpp:5163] Sending acknowledgement for status 
> update TASK_STARTING (Status UUID: ef5adc2f-6f66-44c3-bc98-7697c1315ebf) for 
> task myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 of 
> framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 to 
> executor(1)@ [15] 
> I0202 12:52:54.049816 3348 task_status_update_manager.cpp:401] Received task 
> status update acknowledgement (UUID: ef5adc2f-6f66-44c3-bc98-7697c1315ebf) 
> for task myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 
> of framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 
> I0202 12:52:54.051817 3348 task_status_update_manager.cpp:842] Checkpointing 
> ACK for task status update TASK_STARTING (Status UUID: 
> ef5adc2f-6f66-44c3-bc98-7697c1315ebf) for task 
> myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 of 
> framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 
> I0202 12:52:59.255755 4052 slave.cpp:4771] Handling status update TASK_FAILED 
> (Status UUID: c0775c86-4f1b-44a6-ae8f-347486f6fa9f) for task 
> myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 of 
> framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 from 
> executor(1)@ [15] 
> I0202 12:52:59.260759 4052 task_status_update_manager.cpp:328] Received task 
> status update TASK_FAILED (Status UUID: c0775c86-4f1b-44a6-ae8f-347486f6fa9f) 
> for task myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 
> of framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 
> I0202 12:52:59.261757 4052 task_status_update_manager.cpp:842] Checkpointing 
> UPDATE for task status update TASK_FAILED (Status UUID: 
> c0775c86-4f1b-44a6-ae8f-347486f6fa9f) for task 
> myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 of 
> framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 
> I0202 12:52:59.263756 5168 slave.cpp:5254] Forwarding the update TASK_FAILED 
> (Status UUID: c0775c86-4f1b-44a6-ae8f-347486f6fa9f) for task 
> myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 of 
> framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 to master@ 
> [14] 
> I0202 12:52:59.265756 5168 slave.cpp:5163] Sending acknowledgement for status 
> update TASK_FAILED (Status UUID: c0775c86-4f1b-44a6-ae8f-347486f6fa9f) for 
> task myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 of 
> framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 to 
> executor(1)@ [16] 
> I0202 12:52:59.367189 7052 task_status_update_manager.cpp:401] Received task 
> status update acknowledgement (UUID: c0775c86-4f1b-44a6-ae8f-347486f6fa9f) 
> for task myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 
> of framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 
> I0202 12:52:59.368187 7052 task_status_update_manager.cpp:842] Checkpointing 
> ACK for task status update TASK_FAILED (Status UUID: 
> c0775c86-4f1b-44a6-ae8f-347486f6fa9f) for task 
> myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88 of 
> framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 
> I0202 12:53:00.261153 4052 slave.cpp:5386] Got exited event for 
> executor(1)@ [16] 
> I0202 12:53:00.471400 7052 docker.cpp:2415] Executor for container 
> 74298e92-9700-486d-b211-a42e5fd0bf85 has exited 
> I0202 12:53:00.472362 7052 docker.cpp:2186] Destroying container 
> 74298e92-9700-486d-b211-a42e5fd0bf85 in RUNNING state 
> I0202 12:53:00.474362 7052 docker.cpp:2236] Running docker stop on container 
> 74298e92-9700-486d-b211-a42e5fd0bf85 
> I0202 12:53:00.477478 3348 slave.cpp:5795] Executor 
> 'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88' of 
> framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 exited with status 0 
> I0202 12:53:00.478476 3348 slave.cpp:5899] Cleaning up executor 
> 'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88' of 
> framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 at 
> executor(1)@ [16] 
> I0202 12:53:00.481472 4052 gc.cpp:90] Scheduling 
> 'c:mesoswork_dirslavesa0664e60-846a-42d0-9586-cf97e997eba3-S0frameworksca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000executorsmyattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88runs74298e92-9700-486d-b211-a42e5fd0bf85'
>  for gc 6.99989026072889days in the future 
> I0202 12:53:00.483475 3528 gc.cpp:90] Scheduling 
> 'c:mesoswork_dirslavesa0664e60-846a-42d0-9586-cf97e997eba3-S0frameworksca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000executorsmyattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88'
>  for gc 6.99987866347259days in the future 
> I0202 12:53:00.484474 5168 gc.cpp:90] Scheduling 
> 'c:mesoswork_dirmetaslavesa0664e60-846a-42d0-9586-cf97e997eba3-S0frameworksca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000executorsmyattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88runs74298e92-9700-486d-b211-a42e5fd0bf85'
>  for gc 6.99999439265185days in the future 
> I0202 12:53:00.485474 5168 gc.cpp:90] Scheduling 
> 'c:mesoswork_dirmetaslavesa0664e60-846a-42d0-9586-cf97e997eba3-S0frameworksca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000executorsmyattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88'
>  for gc 6.99987864033482days in the future 
> I0202 12:53:00.485474 3348 slave.cpp:6006] Cleaning up framework 
> 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 
> I0202 12:53:00.486479 1104 task_status_update_manager.cpp:289] Closing task 
> status update streams for framework 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 
> I0202 12:53:00.487473 3768 gc.cpp:90] Scheduling 
> 'c:mesoswork_dirslavesa0664e60-846a-42d0-9586-cf97e997eba3-S0frameworksca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000'
>  for gc 6.9998786172days in the future 
> I0202 12:53:00.488477 3768 gc.cpp:90] Scheduling 
> 'c:mesoswork_dirmetaslavesa0664e60-846a-42d0-9586-cf97e997eba3-S0frameworksca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000'
>  for gc 6.99987860557926days in the future 
> I0202 12:53:47.742332 7052 slave.cpp:6314] Current disk usage 24.73%. Max 
> allowed age: 4.568714599279827days 
> I0202 12:54:01.675030 7052 slave.cpp:6222] Framework 
> 0ca2eae6-8912-4f6a-984a-d501ac02ff88-0000 seems to have exited. Ignoring 
> registration timeout for executor 
> 'myattempt11_20180202203339zVpxc.07298e1c-085b-11e8-bc6d-ae95ed0c8d88' 
> I0202 12:54:03.169529 3348 slave.cpp:970] Received SIGUSR1 signal; 
> unregistering and shutting down 
> I0202 12:54:03.170536 3348 slave.cpp:931] Agent terminating 
> I0202 12:54:03.199530 3308 process.cpp:887] Failed to accept socket: future 
> discarded 
> in DCOS web-ui -> Jobs -> myattempt11 -> Run History there is also no 
> information. 
> Are there any good troubleshooting tips / ideas what to try or where to find 
> more informative logs to run a Docker container on Windows using Mesos? 
> Are there any more suitable alternative orchestration tools to run Docker 
> Windows containers in a cluster?


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