> Accounts don't die but communities do - giving anyone control of
> accounts won't magically revive them.

From what I have read here, there are still thousands of nodes running mesos. 
So I think d2iq would welcome any request that would stretch any kind of 
transition period. It would just look bad for any new client they get, if d2iq 
has a bad reputation for dumping support/products without any warning or 
appropriate migration solution. Don't you agree?

> Also, from a diversification point of view having a single person in
> charge of all these is probably a bad idea - 

As opposed to having no control at all? 

> lack of diversification of probably one of the factors behind Mesos failure.

I do not see mesos as a failure. I think if there was any failure, it has been 
more related to mesosphere/d2iq business strategy. 
Eg. I still think it is a bit 'dumb' to offer this DCOS as a binary blob. The 
trend is that businesses want to have guaranteed stable environments and OS 
stability is not a core business of software developers. 

> Really, you'd be better off moving on :).

I agree but that is a different discussion. 

So question still stands: Anyone on this list knows who is in control of the 
current source repositories?

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