Usually you would have the is_alert set based on more complex rules, and then 
potentially have different rules to determine the importance of the alert, so 
they do tend to serve different purposes. 

For example a triage rule might be set on levels of an indicator after is_alert 
has been triggered by a simple presence of a non-zero result for that 
indicator, e.g. is it 2x std_devs, or 4x std_devs as different rule levels. 
We’re adding the ability to make score a stellar statement which simplifies 
this further by allowing score to be a function, but thresholds are still 
useful to determine the text content of the alert for example. 


> On 25 Sep 2017, at 19:09, Laurens Vets <> wrote:
> Oh, I didn't know I had to set is_alert to True.
> Doesn't that mean that we have to add all rules twice? First to check whether 
> is_alert needs to be set to True. Next to apply the actual scores?
> On 2017-09-25 11:00, Simon Elliston Ball wrote:
>> the _score field is actually an elastic search matching score field,
>> and is not relevant to metron. You should see the scores in the
>> threat:triage:score field. However, your rules will only be run if the
>> telemetry has is_alert set true, so you should ensure that the
>> enrichment phase sets is_alert: true somewhere for alerts you want to
>> go to triage?
>> Simon
>>> On 25 Sep 2017, at 18:46, Laurens Vets <> wrote:
>>> I have the following configuration:
>>> "threatIntel": {
>>> "fieldMap": {},
>>>   "fieldToTypeMap": {},
>>>   "config": {},
>>>   "triageConfig": {
>>>     "riskLevelRules": [
>>>       {
>>>         "name": "Rule1",
>>>         "comment": "Checks whatever 1.",
>>>         "rule": "test == \"false\"",
>>>         "score": 20,
>>>         "reason": null
>>>       },
>>>       {
>>>         "name": "Rule1",
>>>         "comment": "Checks whatever 2.",
>>>         "rule": "test2 == \"False\"",
>>>         "score": 20,
>>>         "reason": null
>>>       },
>>>       {
>>>         "name": "Rule3",
>>>         "comment": "Checks whatever 2.",
>>>         "rule": "test3 == \"No\"",
>>>         "score": 20,
>>>         "reason": null
>>>       }
>>>     ],
>>>     "aggregator": "SUM",
>>>     "aggregationConfig": {}
>>>   }
>>> },
>>> I have no additional configuration in enrichment besides filling a specific 
>>> with true or false based on a Stellar expression.
>>> I expected that when events would match my above rules, the _score field 
>>> would be filled in. That does not seem to be the case.
>>> Does anyone know what I might be missing?

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